
Is there any algorithm for generating 3d clouds?

So Id love to see an algorithm for generating 3d cloud objects. as realistic as possible. I know that there are different cloud types But I am moust interested in such cloud tupes like

Is there any algorithm for generating 3d clouds?

(source: weather.gov)

Is there any algorithm for generating 3d clouds?

(sourc开发者_StackOverflow中文版e: weather.gov)

so can any one point to algorithm or just a C\C++\C#\AS3 or any other language lib that can do such thing?

You could try Procedural Generation or even Particle Systems.

Here is a page which seems to have a comprehensive list of various cloud generation methods: Vterrain.Org's page on Clouds.

Hope that helps!

I'm not sure if there's a library that implements this, but this SIGGRAPH paper (http://graphics.cs.brown.edu/games/CartoonSmoke/) outlines a method for generating cartoon clouds that look very much like the one you've posted.

You could do that in any language with any drawing library ! For example, in C++ with Ogre

You could also generate it with a 3D modeler as Blender or 3DSMax, depending on what you want to do with it !

However, I don't know if algorithms to generate clouds are freely available, you should give it a shot in Google.





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