
Does anyone know of a good video library script?

Our company now has over 40 tutorial videos and I'm looking for a video gallery app.

Something that would be similar to: http://tv.telerik.com/ or http://umbraco.org/documentation/videos/for-site-builders/datatypes/using-datatypes-that-have-prevalues

Does anyone know of any PHP or asp.net solutions?

I'd rather not re-invent the wheel. As there are a ton of 开发者_StackOverflow中文版hidden functions like sorting, most popular, tagging, comments, etc.

I would suggest to use any popular CMS. For WordPress, here is what you can do. You can use many of it's out of the box features -

  • each video is created as a blog-post. So u have comments, tags too.
  • each blog-post will have a custom parameter as video url
  • while rendering a single post, take this custom parameter and build HTML/embded video object with your flash player.
  • these blogposts can be moderated my multiple wordpress users
  • comes with plenty of free themes to choose. Enjoy!
  • customize the archive page, to have a thumbnail like gallery page.
  • use a ratings plugin to rate blog-posts.

For now onwards, start thinking of customizing a CMS rather reinventing :)

- Ankit





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