
Python: list of lists anf HTML table help

I'm having trouble appending the values from a list of lists into a html table, for example my list if lists contains:

food_list = [['A','B'], ['Apple','banana'], ['Fruit','Fruit']]

How would i append each value into a correspondong HTML table? So the code looks like:


the closest i could get was with the code below, but i get a list index out of range error.

print '<table>'
for i in food_list:
    print '<tr>'
    print '<tr><td>'+i[0]+'</td><td>'+i[1]+'</td><td>'+i[2]+'</td></tr>'
    print '</tr>'
print' </table>'

I think you're looking for this:

print '<table>'
for i in zip(*food_list):
    print '<tr>'
    print '<td>'+i[0]+'</td><td>'+i[1]+'</td><td>'+i[2]+'</td>'
    print '</tr>'
print' </table>'

I would do it like this;

# Example data.
raw_rows = [["A", "B"], ["Apple", "Banana"], ["Fruit", "Fruit"]]
# "zips" together several sublists, so it becomes [("A", "Apple", "Fruit"), ...].
rows = zip(*raw_rows) 

html = "<table>"
for row in rows:
   html += "<tr>"
   # Make <tr>-pairs, then join them.
   html += "\n".join(map(lambda x: "<td>" + x + "</td>", row)) 
   html += "</tr>"

html += "</table>"

Maybe not the quickest version but it wraps up the rows into tuples, then we can just iterate over them and concatenate them.

The table has two elements, so you would use 0 and 1 as indexes. Here is your example rewritten:

print '<table>'
for i in food_list:
    print '<tr>'
    print '<tr><td>'+i[0]+'</td><td>'+i[1]+'</td></th>'
    print '</tr>'
print' </table>'




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