Javascript Match on parentheses inside the string
How do I do a .match on a string that has parentheses in the string? String1.match("How do I match this (MATCH ME)");
None of the answers are getting me what I want. I'm probably just doing 开发者_开发问答it wrong. I tried to make my question basic and I think doing that asked my question wrong. This is the statement I am tring to fix:
$('[id$=txtEntry3]').focus(function () {
if (!DropdownList.toString().match($('[id$=txtEntry2]').val()) || $('[id$=txtEntry2]').val().length < 5) {
ErrorMessageIn("The Ingredient number you entered is not valid.");
This works correctly the problem I am running into is when it tries to match a entry from "txtEntry2" that has "()" in it.
Well it's kinda broken but it works for what I need it to do. This is what I did to fix my problem:
$('[id$=txtEntry3]').focus(function () {
if (!StripParentheses(DropdownList).match(StripParentheses($('[id$=txtEntry2]').val())) || $('[id$=txtEntry2]').val().length < 5) {
if (!$('[id$=txtEntry2]').val() == "") {
ErrorMessageIn("The Ingredient number you entered is not valid.");
function StripParentheses(String){
x = String.toString().replace(/\(/g, '');
x = x.toString().replace(/\)/g, '');
return x;
to get all occurences in e.g. ".. (match me) .. (match me too) .." add the g
regexp flag
this as also an advantage, that you get only list of all occurences. without this flag, the result will include a whole regexp pattern match (as the first item of resulting array)
If you are interested in the part of the string between parenthesis, then you can use /\(([^\)]*)\)/
; if you just need to get the full string, then you can you can use /\([^\)]*\)/
var str = "How do I match this (MATCH ME)";