Importing Complex XML into Core Data via NSXMLParser?
I've been working on importing XML into an iPad Core Data application. I have a working NSXMLParser
implementation for my files, and have been able to import the simpler (ie attribute-only) elements into Core Data.
Some of the XML dated has nested elements with text, and I'm a bit stumped on how to get Core Data to play nicely in the callback-centric world of NSXML.
If I see a new XML element, I need to insert a new managed object into my context. If I do this in NSXML's didStartElement:
, I need to preserve a reference to it so that I can store my XML text element when didEndElement:
is called.
Given that my XML elements are nested, I may have encountered several didStartElements:
before I encounter a didEndElement:
, so I need something more than a single object instance to preserve the managed object across callbacks. (Also, I think that insertNewO开发者_Go百科bjectForEntityForName:
is autoreleased, so I need to retain a copy of the managed object.)
I thought I might build an object stack out of NSMutableArray's
and removeLastObject:
methods, but I wonder if there's something simpler, or I've missed some piece of the big picture here.
I've run unto a similar problem, and as you mentioned, ended up using stacks with addObject:
, lastObject
and removeLastObject:
. It parses reasonably quickly.
In my specific case, I had a number of Core Data entities, both with instance variables and to-many relationships to their child elements. I used two stacks, one for the objects, and one for the elements. In my case the parent elements did not have data of their own, ex:
So I had one stack of the entities that contained other entities (Parent
and Child
in my example), with another containing the keypaths corresponding to the data (Parent_Data1
, Parent_Data2
and Child_Data1
). When I found the data in parser:foundCharacters
I would set it on the topmost entity using setValue:forKeyPath:
and pop that when I got to parser:didEndElement:
Hope that helps.