
Datetime.now() abnormality - Python

I'm serving a Python app through Django. Within the app I'm storing the classic "created" field within a few tables.

This is how the field looks like within the Django form:

created = models.DateTimeField(blank=True, default=datetime.now())

Unfortunately, datetime.now() is not accurate. In开发者_开发问答 fact in the database I have sets of rows with the exact same timestamp.

The datetime.now() value seems to change every 30-45 minutes.

My Django app is served on Windows Server 2005 behind IIS6.

Help would be amazing!

This is a common newbie mistake, unfortunately. You have called the datetime.now() method in the definition - this means the default will be the time at which the definition was executed, ie when your server process starts up.

You need to pass the callable instead:

created = models.DateTimeField(blank=True, default=datetime.now)

ie without the calling brackets.

(Or, just use auto_now_add=True).

because datetime.now() is being called when your module is initialised and that value is being used for the default.

You want to use the auto_now_add=True parameter

created = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)

edit: no need for 'blank' if you're setting the auto option.

You don't have auto_now or auto_now_add fields set to True. Consequently, the default value is what's filled in on the form. When the form is sent to the browser. Of course there will be duplicates.






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