How To Use LINQ To Find Matching Data Against A List Of Strings
I have a specialized string dictionary of (string, string) (_RulesAndTheirDescriptions) that contains the name (key) and description (value) of methods in a given class. I currently do the following query to search for a match on the key or value and then bind that to a grid. Works great!
Dim Results = From v In _RulesAndTheirDescriptions _
Where v.Value.ToString().ToUpper().Contains(Me.txtSearchFor.Text.ToUpper()) _
Or v.Key.ToString().ToUpper().Contains(Me.txtSearchFor.Text.ToUpper()) _
Order By v.Key _
Select New With {.Rule = v.Key, .Description = v.Value.ToString()}
This works great when matching "word" or perhaps even "my word" but I would like to search for "my" and "word" and "also this". Meaning words and phrases seperated by spaces. Much like google and bing. When the开发者_开发知识库 user enters a value I only would require that the phrases be quoted. The following RegEx takes care of getting me a list word/phrase the user is looking for. Now I am having a hard time combining the the above query that works with the new enhanced list.
Please excuse the below code. I am just trying to test things and get it working.
Dim b As Match
b = Regex.Match(Me.txtSearchFor.Text, "(?<=(?:^|\s|,)"")[^""]*?(?="")|(?<=\s|^)(?!"")[\w\W]+?(?=\s|$)")
Dim sl As List(Of String) = New List(Of String)
If b.Success Then
Dim sMatch = b.NextMatch()
While sMatch IsNot Nothing AndAlso sMatch.Success
sMatch = sMatch.NextMatch()
End While
End If
Per another post on this site I tried to do the following but that is not returing any results. I suspect because the sl.ToString() returns the type and not the value?
Dim Results = From v In _RulesAndTheirDescriptions _
Where v.Value.ToString().ToUpper().Contains(sl.ToString()) _
Order By v.Key _
Select New With {.Rule = v.Key, .Description = v.Value.ToString()}
If I am going about this all wrong, please enlighten me. Seems like it should be easy.
Thanks in advance, Kevin
Hello You have to have a cross join to solve this problem
Dim Results = From v In _RulesAndTheirDescriptions _
join y in sl on 1 equals 1
Where v.Value.ToString().ToUpper().Contains(y) _
Order By v.Key _
Select New With {.Rule = v.Key, .Description = v.Value.ToString()}
This can produce duplicates when more than one token can match a rule.So you can do a distinct if you want unique values
Like Results.Distinct()