
How to add Facebook Like button to a Flex app?

I am working on a Flex AS3 application and wanted to add the Facebook Like button insid开发者_如何学编程e the app. I am unable to find any API or anything apart from the http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/plugins/like code generator.

Any ideas on how this might be accomplished? I am quite new to the recent changes in the Facebook Platform, so any info would be appreciated.

A direct "like" button should not be possible, since Facebook needs to sandbox the whole thing. Both like button formats (iframe and xfbml) use a sandboxed iframe, so nobody but facebook can set "likes" or know anything about the user.

For that to work with Flash, I think facebook would have to provide the button itself as a SWF file so you can load it in Flash. Then it can create a sandbox within itself and thus load the user information safely. Very much like the Chromeless Youtube Player, where it's almost impossible for Flash to access the actual FLV URL (even through introspection). But even so, I don't think this would provide enough security... realize that you are dealing with very private user information and credentials here.

The only way I know you can "like" stuff through Flash is first doing the whole Facebook Connect thing (several popup windows asking the user for permissions) and then using the API of your choice to do the actual "liking", for instance, with the Graph API:


The closest information I could find are these 2 items so far. Hope it helps you in your journey.

Facebook Developer Site: Source Facebook like button in flash

I hate answering "no" to a question because what I really mean is "I don't know and I can't find a way". I'm sure your Google-fu is as good as mine. All I can see are Facebook forum posts like this where people are asking the same question and no one is answering.

The examples they give of the like button are either embedded in iFrames or using XFBML <fb:like ../> tag. There are no examples of how to like something using their new graph api or either of their old APIs (FQL and REST API).

I had to get a Facebook like button in a html page (looked like a header on the top) and get the swf embedded below. As its a complete flex app in my case, this work around was possible and plausible





验证码 换一张
取 消

