Python library to split and join mp3 files
There are a lot of libs to work with mp3 tags, but I need just 2 functions - split mp3 file in 2 parts and the second one to merge 5 mp3.
Can y开发者_运维技巧ou suggest anything? Thanks!
I wrote a library (pydub) for pretty much this exact use case:
from pydub import AudioSegment
sound = AudioSegment.from_mp3("/path/to/file.mp3")
# len() and slicing are in milliseconds
halfway_point = len(sound) / 2
second_half = sound[halfway_point:]
# Concatenation is just adding
second_half_3_times = second_half + second_half + second_half
# writing mp3 files is a one liner
second_half_3_times.export("/path/to/new/file.mp3", format="mp3")
Adding a silent gap
If you'd like to add silence between parts of a sound:
two_sec_silence = AudioSegment.silent(duration=2000)
sound_with_gap = sound[:1000] + two_sec_silence + sound[1000:]
Have a look at the MP3 file structure on Wikipedia. Use binary read mode in python to edit the MP3 file. s = open(file_name, 'rb').read()
will put the whole file into a string object representing the raw bytes in your file (e.g. \xeb\xfe\x80
). You can then search and edit the string, addressing the byte offsets with indeces using brackets: s[n]
. Finally, just do a binary write of the MP3 frames you want in your new file(s), appending the ID3 header to the set of frames that you want to make up each file.
Here is my attempt at splitting an MP3 using python without re-encoding. Not all varieties of MP3 files are supported and I would gladly welcome suggestions or improvements. The script is hard coded to split at 55 seconds but the code demonstrates the general principles.
from __future__ import print_function
import struct
import sys
#MP3 frames are not independent because of the byte reservoir. This script does not account for
#that in determining where to do the split.
def SplitMp3(fi, splitSec, out):
#Constants for MP3
bitrates = {0x0: "free", 0x1: 32, 0x2: 40, 0x3: 48, 0x4: 56, 0x5: 64, 0x6: 80, 0x7: 96, 0x8: 112,
0x9: 128, 0xa: 160, 0xb: 192, 0xc: 224, 0xd: 256, 0xe: 320, 0xf: "bad"}
freqrates = {0x0: 44100, 0x1: 48000, 0x2: 32000, 0x3: "reserved"}
countMpegFrames = 0
frameDuration = 0.026
unrecognizedBytes = 0
splitFrame = int(round(splitSec / frameDuration))
while True:
startPos = fi.tell()
#Check for 3 byte headers
id3Start =
if len(id3Start) == 3:
if id3Start == b'TAG':
print ("Found ID3 v1/1.1 header") + 256)
if id3Start == b'ID3':
#Possibly a ID3v2 header
majorVer, minorVer, flags, encSize = struct.unpack(">BBBI",
if majorVer != 0xFF and minorVer != 0xFF:
encSize1 = (encSize & 0x7f000000) >> 24
encSize2 = (encSize & 0x7f0000) >> 16
encSize3 = (encSize & 0x7f00) >> 8
encSize4 = (encSize & 0x7f)
if encSize1 < 0x80 and encSize2 < 0x80 and encSize3 < 0x80 and encSize4 < 0x80:
size = ((encSize & 0x7f000000) >> 3) + ((encSize & 0x7f0000) >> 2) + ((encSize & 0x7f00) >> 1) + (encSize & 0x7f)
unsync = (flags >> 7) & 0x1
extendedHeader = (flags >> 6) & 0x1
experimental = (flags >> 5) & 0x1
print ("Found ID3v2 header")
print ("version", majorVer, minorVer, unsync, extendedHeader, experimental)
print ("size", size)
#TODO extendedHeader not supported yet + 10 + size)
#Check for 4 byte headers
headerRaw =
if len(headerRaw) == 4:
headerWord = struct.unpack(">I", headerRaw)[0]
#Check for MPEG-1 audio frame
if headerWord & 0xfff00000 == 0xfff00000:
print ("Possible MPEG-1 audio header", hex(headerWord))
countMpegFrames += 1
ver = (headerWord & 0xf0000) >> 16
bitrateEnc = (headerWord & 0xf000) >> 12
freqEnc = (headerWord & 0xf00) >> 8
mode = (headerWord & 0xf0) >> 4
cpy = (headerWord & 0xf)
if ver & 0xe == 0xa and freqEnc != 0xf:
print ("Probably an MP3 frame")
bitrate = bitrates[bitrateEnc]
freq = freqrates[freqEnc >> 2]
padding = ((freqEnc >> 1) & 0x1) == 1
print ("bitrate", bitrate, "kbps")
print ("freq", freq, "Hz")
print ("padding", padding)
frameLen = int((144 * bitrate * 1000 / freq ) + padding)
#Copy frame to output
frameData =
if countMpegFrames >= splitFrame:
out.write(frameData) + frameLen)
raise RuntimeError("Unsupported format:", hex(ver), "header:", hex(headerWord))
#If no header can be detected, move on to the next byte
nextByteRaw =
if len(nextByteRaw) == 0:
break #End of file
unrecognizedBytes += 1
print ("unrecognizedBytes", unrecognizedBytes)
print ("countMpegFrames", countMpegFrames)
print ("duration", countMpegFrames * frameDuration, "sec")
if __name__=="__main__":
fi = open(sys.argv[1], "rb")
out = open("test.mp3", "wb")
SplitMp3(fi, 55.0, out)
Merging would be a similar case of extracting and appending frames from two separate MP3 input files.
Check out GStreamer and its Python wrapper Gst-Python.
use the unix split command:
split -b 200k file.mp3 output_
this will output output_a, output_b, output_c, ..
you can then get mp3 files just by renaming
for file in ./output_*; do mv "$file" "$(basename $file).mp3"; done
this will output output_a.mp3, output_b.mp3, output_c.mp3 ... all of them (except the last one, may be) are 200kb in size, and the total size of the output_x is the same as file.mp3
you can use the du
(disk usage) command to get the file's number of byte and then decide how many bytes to cut..
du -sh file.mp3
then to join use the cat command:
cat output_2.mp3 output_3.mp3 output_4.mp3 > output.mp3
of course you can put all this in a shell script and call it from python.