
Check malicious Redirect URL in ASP.NET

I heard of sites using other site to redirect users either to their own site or to hide behind another site. In my code i redirect in a few places such as post a comment (its easier to use a return url then figure out the page using data given).

How do i check if the return URL is my own url? I think i use absolute paths so i can easily check if the first character is '/' but then i will lose relative flexibility. This also disallows me from doing http://mysite.com/blah in the redirect url. I could patch the url by adding mysite + string but i'll need to figure out if s开发者_如何转开发tring is a relative url or already a mysite.com url.

Whats the easiest way to ensure i am only redirecting to my site?

How about, if the redirectUrl contains "://" (which includes http://, https://, ftp://, etc.) then it must also start with "http://mysite.com". If it does not contain "://" then it is relative and should not be a problem. Something like this:

if (!(redirectUrl.Contains("://") ^ redirectUrl.IndexOf("http://mysite.com") == 0))

I hadn't thought of this before, but how about using an encrypted version of the URL in the query string parameter?

Alternatively, you could keep a list of the actual URLs in some persistent store (persistent for a couple of hours, maybe), and in the query string, just include the index into the persistent store of URLs. Since You'd be the only code manipulating this persistent, server-side store, the worst a malicious user could do would be to redirect to a different valid URL.

This seems to be an odd question, and it should not be a concern if you are in full control over the redirect process. If for some reason you are allowing input from the user to be actively involved in a redirect (as in the code below)


Then, yes, a user could have your code send them off to who knows where. But if all you are ever doing is


Then those redirects will always be on your site.

Like I said, it seems to be an odd question. The more prominent concerns in terms of user input are typically SQL Injection attacks and cross-site scripting. I've not really heard about "malicious redirects."





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