
Dictionary to Json object, "Expected expression"

I'm trying to convert a dictionery into a json object, so that I can work with it in my front end.

sortFields = <%= SchrodersHtmlHelper.ToJson(ViewData["SortInfo"])%>开发者_JAVA技巧;

However, I keep on getting "Expected expression" for this all the time and I'm clueless why. Could anyone explain to me what I'm doing wrong?

Edit: The conversion works fine, but I still get this issue in the front end, causing the browser to complain about it.


The JSON is valid according to http://jsonlint.com/, and the issue is reported as resolved by the OP

    "Name": "Ascending",
    "ClassDesignation": "Ascending",
    "ShareType": "Ascending",
    "Curr": "Ascending",
    "DateFirstPriced": "Descending",
    "Identifier": "Ascending",
    "OneWeakPerf": "Descending",
    "OneMonthPerf": "Descending",
    "ThreeMonthPerf": "Descending",
    "SixMonthPerf": "Descending",
    "YTDPerf": "Descending",
    "OneYearPerf": "Descending",
    "ThreeYearPerf": "Descending",
    "FourYearPerf": "Descending",
    "FiveYearPerf": "Descending",
    "TenYearPerf": "Descending",
    "SinceLaunchPerf": "Descending",
    "OneYearAnnualisedPerf": "Descending",
    "ThreeYearAnnualisedPerf": "Descending",
    "FiveYearAnnualisedPerf": "Descending",
    "TenYearAnnualisedPerf": "Descending",
    "SinceLaunchAnnualisedPerf": "Descending"

It means that the JSON in the output isn't well-formed, either because the original is malformed or because it's not being output correctly (or at all, per Pointy's comment). See this answer for a list of common errors. Since you're using Javascript itself, not JSON, some of them won't apply to you, but some will. My guess is a dangling comma; we need to see the JSON to know.

You can validate JSON with this validator, and learn more of the required syntax on the JSON site.





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