
Buildout and Virtualenv

I am messing around with the combination of buildout and virtualenv to setup an isolated development environment in python that allows to do reproducible builds.

There is a recipe for buildout that let's you integrate virtualenv into buildout:


With this my buildout.cfg looks like this:

develop = .
parts = script

recipe = tl.buildout_virtual_python
headers = true
executable-name = vp
site-packages = false

recipe = zc.recipe.egg:scripts
eggs = foo
python = virtualpython

This will deploy two executables into ./bin/:


When I execute vp, I get an interactive, isolated python dialog, as expected (can't load any packages from the system). What I would expect now, is that if I run


that the isolated python interpreter is used. But it doesn't, it's not isolated as "vp" is (meaning I can import libraries from system level). However I can run:

./bin/vp ./bin/script

Which will run the script in an isolated environment as I wished. But there must be a way to specify this to do so without chaining commands oth开发者_运维知识库erwise buildout only solves half of the problems I hoped :)

Thanks for your help! Patrick

You don't need virtualenv: buildout already provides an isolated environment, just like virtualenv.

As an example, look at files buildout generates in the bin directory. They'll have something like:

import sys
sys.path[0:0] = [
     # and other things

So the sys.path gets completely replaced with what buildout wants to have on the path: the same isolation method as virtualenv.

zc.buildout 2.0 and later does not provide the isolated environment anymore.

But virtualenv 1.9 and later provides complete isolation (including to not install setuptools).

Thus the easiest way to get a buildout in a complete controlled environment is to run the following steps (here i.e. for Python 2.7):

cd /path/to/buildout
rm ./bin/python
/path/to/virtualenv-2.7 --no-setuptools --no-site-packages --clear .
./bin/python2.7 bootstrap.py


  • bootstrap.py has to be a recent one matching the buildout version you are using. You'll find the latest at http://downloads.buildout.org/2/

  • if there are any version pins in your buildout, ensure they do not pin buildout itself or recipes/ extensions to versions not compatible with zc.buildout 2 or later.

Had issue running buildout using bootstrap on ubuntu server, from then I use virtualenv and buildout together. Simply create virualenv and install buildout in it. This way only virtualenv has to be installed into system (in theory1).

$ virtualenv [options_you_might_need] virtual
$ source virtual/bin/activate
$ pip install zc.buildout
$ buildout -c <buildout.cfg>

Also tell buildout to put its scripts in to virtual/bin/ directory, that way scripts appear on $PATH.

bin-directory = ${buildout:directory}/virtual/bin

1: In practice you probably will need to eggs what require compilation to system level that require compilation. Eggs like mysql or memcache.

I've never used that recipe before, but the first thing I would try is this:

develop = .
parts = script

recipe = tl.buildout_virtual_python
headers = true
executable-name = vp
site-packages = false

recipe = zc.recipe.egg:scripts
eggs = foo
python = virtualpython
interpreter = vp

If that doesn't work, you can usually open up the scripts (in this case vp and script) in a text editor and see the Python paths that they're using. If you're on windows there will usually be a file called <script_name>-script.py. In this case, that would be vp-script.py and script-script.py.





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