
Is possible to auto-import a module from a different subfolder in other subfolder?

I have a kind of plugin system, with this layout:

  • Python
    • SDK
      • Plugins
        • Plugin1
        • Plugin2

All 3 have a __init__.py file. I wonder if is possible to be ab开发者_如何学运维le to do import SDK from any plugin (as if SDK was in the site-packages folder).

I'm in a situation where need to deploy, update, delete, add or change SDK files or any of the plugins under non-admin accounts, and wonder if I can get SDK in a clean way (I could sys.path.append in all plugins but I wonder if exist a better option).

I imagine that using this in the Plugins init coulkd work:

import sys
import os

ROOT_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),'..'))

print ROOT_DIR
sys.path.append( ROOT_DIR )

But clearly is not executed this code (I imagine __init__.py was auto-magicalled executed in the load of the module ☹)

  • Python

    • start.py

      from SDK.Plugins import Plugin1
      print Plugin1.test()
    • SDK

      • __init__.py
      • Plugins

        • __init__.py
        • Plugin1.py

          from SDK.Plugins import Plugin2
          def test():
              return Plugin2.test2()
        • Plugin2.py

          def test2():
              return "This worked!"

# python start.py
This worked!

This will work because in Plugin1.py you are doing an import relative to start.py, the executed script, not to itself.

If you were to execute directly Plugin1.py, you'd have to mess with the path, but if it's always going to be used from a script higher on the folder hierarchy, then this is the cleanest way to do it.





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