
Conditional Regular Expressions

I'm using Python and I want to use regular expressions to check if something "is part of an include list" but "is not part of an exclude list".

My include list is represented by a regex, for example:


Everything which starts with And.

Also the exclude list is represented by a regex, for example:


Everything, but not the string Andrea. The exclude list is obviously a negation.

Using the two examples above, for example, I want to match everything which starts with And except for Andrea.

In the general case I have an includeRegEx and an excludeRegEx. I want to match everything which matchs includeRegEx but not matchs excludeRegEx. Attention: excludeRegEx is still in the negative form (as you can see in the example above), so it should be better to say: if something matches includeRegEx, I check if it also matches excludeRegEx, if it does, the match is satisfied. Is it possible to represent this in a single reg开发者_开发知识库ular expression?

I think Conditional Regular Expressions could be the solution but I'm not really sure of that.

I'd like to see a working example in Python.

Thank you very much.

Why not put both in one regex?


Since the lookahead only "looks ahead" without consuming any characters, this works just fine (well, this is the whole point of lookaround, actually).

So, in Python:

if re.match(r"And(?!rea$).*", subject):
    # Successful match 
    # Note that re.match always anchor the match
    # to the start of the string.
    # Match attempt failed

From the wording of your question, I'm not sure if you're starting with two already finished lists of "match/don't match" pairs. In that case, you could simply combine them automatically by concatenating the regexes. This works just as well but is uglier:


In general, then:





验证码 换一张
取 消

