Search dynamically in fields of class(each time by other field)
In my 'Person' class, I have some fields like 'firstname','lastname','nickname' and so on.开发者_如何学运维
I want to write code to search dynamically, sometimes by 'firstname' and sometimes by 'nickname' field.
In the regular way, the code will be:
If(SearchBy == "firstname")
Person result = ListOfPerson.Where(p => p.firstname== "exp").FirstOrDefault();
else If(SearchBy == "nickname")
Person result = ListOfPerson.Where(p => p.nickname== "exp").FirstOrDefault();
But the code I want to write, should be like this:(to save the if each time)
Object someVariable = "firstname";
Person result = ListOfPerson.Where(p => p.someVariable == "exp").FirstOrDefault();
Can anyone Know if it's possible?
How about something like this:
Func<Person, bool> searchDelegate;
switch (searchMode){
case "firstname":
searchDelegate = (p => p.firstname == searchValue);
case "lastname":
searchDelegate = (p => p.lastname == searchValue);
case "nickname":
searchDelegate = (p => p.nickname == searchValue);
throw new Exception("searchMode is invalid");
return ListOFPerson.Where(seachDelegate).FirstOrDefault();
You can use a different delegate for the Where
Person findFirstname = ListOfPerson.Where(p => p.firstname == "exp").FirstOrDefault();
// or
Person findLastname = ListOfPerson.Where(p => p.lastname == "exp").FirstOrDefault();
(note I've changed =
to ==
You could use reflection:
object someVariable = "firstname";
var fieldToCheck = person.GetType().GetField(someVariable);
var isEqual = (string)fieldToCheck.GetValue(person) == "MyValue";
LINQ to Objects was developed for just this use:
There's a post on dynamic sorting in LINQ that might help you, as the principles are similar.