
How to get number of entries in a Lua table?

Sounds like a "let me google it for you" question, but somehow I can't find an answer. The Lua # operator only counts entries with integer keys, and so does table.getn:

tbl = {}
tbl["test"] = 47
tbl[1] = 48
print(#tbl, table.getn(tbl))   -- prints "1     1"

count = 0
for _ in pairs(tbl) do count = count + 1 end
print(count)            -- prints "2"

How do I get the number of all entries without countin开发者_StackOverflow中文版g them?

You already have the solution in the question -- the only way is to iterate the whole table with pairs(..).

function tablelength(T)
  local count = 0
  for _ in pairs(T) do count = count + 1 end
  return count

Also, notice that the "#" operator's definition is a bit more complicated than that. Let me illustrate that by taking this table:

t = {1,2,3}
t[5] = 1
t[9] = 1

According to the manual, any of 3, 5 and 9 are valid results for #t. The only sane way to use it is with arrays of one contiguous part without nil values.

You can set up a meta-table to track the number of entries, this may be faster than iteration if this information is a needed frequently.

The easiest way that I know of to get the number of entries in a table is with '#'. #tableName gets the number of entries as long as they are numbered:

print(#tbl)--prints the highest number in the table: 5

Sadly, if they are not numbered, it won't work.

There's one way, but it might be disappointing: use an additional variable (or one of the table's field) for storing the count, and increase it every time you make an insertion.

count = 0
tbl = {}

tbl["test"] = 47
count = count + 1

tbl[1] = 48
count = count + 1

print(count)   -- prints "2"

There's no other way, the # operator will only work on array-like tables with consecutive keys.

function GetTableLng(tbl)
  local getN = 0
  for n in pairs(tbl) do 
    getN = getN + 1 
  return getN

You're right. There are no other way to get length of table

You could use penlight library. This has a function size which gives the actual size of the table.

It has implemented many of the function that we may need while programming and missing in Lua.

Here is the sample for using it.

> tablex = require "pl.tablex"
> a = {}
> a[2] = 2
> a[3] = 3 
> a['blah'] = 24

> #a

> tablex.size(a)

local function CountedTable(x)
    assert(type(x) == 'table', 'bad parameter #1: must be table')

    local new_t = {}
    local mt = {}

    -- `all` will represent the number of both
    local all = 0
    for k, v in pairs(x) do
        all = all + 1

    mt.__newindex = function(t, k, v)
        if v == nil then
            if rawget(x, k) ~= nil then
                all = all - 1
            if rawget(x, k) == nil then
                all = all + 1

        rawset(x, k, v)

    mt.__index = function(t, k)
        if k == 'totalCount' then return all
        else return rawget(x, k) end

    return setmetatable(new_t, mt)

local bar = CountedTable { x = 23, y = 43, z = 334, [true] = true }

assert(bar.totalCount == 4)
assert(bar.x == 23)
bar.x = nil
assert(bar.totalCount == 3)
bar.x = nil
assert(bar.totalCount == 3)
bar.x = 24
bar.x = 25
assert(bar.x == 25)
assert(bar.totalCount == 4)

I stumbled upon this thread and want to post another option. I'm using Luad generated from a block controller, but it essentially works by checking values in the table, then incrementing which value is being checked by 1. Eventually, the table will run out, and the value at that index will be Nil.

So subtract 1 from the index that returned a nil, and that's the size of the table.

I have a global Variable for TableSize that is set to the result of this count.

function Check_Table_Size()
  local Count = 1
  local CurrentVal = (CueNames[tonumber(Count)])
  local repeating = true
  while repeating == true do
    if CurrentVal ~= nil then
      Count = Count + 1
      CurrentVal = CueNames[tonumber(Count)]
      repeating = false
      TableSize = Count - 1

seems when the elements of the table is added by insert method, getn will return correctly. Otherwise, we have to count all elements

mytable = {}
element1 = {version = 1.1}
element2 = {version = 1.2}
table.insert(mytable, element1)
table.insert(mytable, element2)

It will print 2 correctly





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