C#, LINQ batch items - what is the best way to do this?
I have 2 databases - (1) Feeds, (2) Production. The feeds database is fed from client files that we get on a daily basis and is, from my viewpoint, a read only source of data. When a feed file is received the feed app does its thing then finally calls a web service on the production site. This web service then does a sync between the feeds DB and the Prod DB. In essence this is the pseudo code:
- Get all Feed items for a client
- Get all prod items for the same client
- Using LINQ for Objects, get (1) All items that cause an UPDATE, (2) All items that cause a DELETE and (3) All items that cause an INSERT.
- Process UPDATES
- Process DELETES
- Process INSERTS
For the core piece of code that separates INSERTS, UPDATES and DELETES:
List<model.AutoWithImage> feedProductList = _dbFeed.AutoWithImage.Where(feedProduct => feedProduct.ClientID == ClientID).ToList();
List<model.vwCompanyDetails> companyDetailList = _dbRiv.vwCompanyDetails.Where(feedProduct => feedProduct.ClientID == ClientID).ToList();
foreach (model.vwCompanyDetails companyDetail in companyDetailList)
List<model.Product> rivProductList = _dbRiv.Product.Include("Company").Where(feedProduct => feedProduct.Company.CompanyId == companyDetail.CompanyId).ToList();
foreach (model.AutoWithImage feedProduct in feedProductList)
bool alreadyExists = false;
model.Company company = null;
foreach (model.Product rivProduct in rivProductList)
if (feedProduct.StockNumber == rivProduct.SKU)
alreadyExists = true;
// Active feed items...
if (feedProduct.Active)
// Changed since last sync...
if (feedProduct.Updated > rivProduct.LastFeedUpdate)
model.Product updateProduct = new model.Product();
updateProduct.ProductId = rivProduct.ProductId;
// removed for brevity
// Not changed since last sync...
else if (feedProduct.Updated <= rivProduct.LastFeedUpdate)
// No longer active feed products...
else if (!feedProduct.Active)
model.Product deleteProduct = new model.Product();
deleteProduct = rivProduct;
// removed for brevity
if (company == null)
company = rivProduct.Company;
// Found feedProduct new product...
if (!alreadyExists)
model.Product insertProduct = new Product();
insertProduct.ProductId = Guid.NewGuid();
// removed for brevity
Yes, I know there are more efficient ways of doing this and I am starting to use them. However, the code above works, relatively fast and breaks my data into 3 List<> sets.
My question is more on handling the _dbRiv.SaveChanges() method. When I issue it it appears to fire off all 3 sets (above). I am trying to track down a unique key violation and with this in a batch I am not finding the one or two records that are guilty of violating the constraint. I am sure I missed something somewhere in my thinking of how LINQ for SQL really works.
What I'd like to do is:
- Execute a Save on just the UPDATES. Do some other stuff then,
- Execute a Save on just the DELETES. Do some other stuff then,
- Execute a Save, one by one (for now) on the INSERTS.
Is there some way to issue a SaveChanges on one batch at a time?
Is there a way to foreach the InsertProductList object and do a SaveChanges one row at a time? Am I barking up the wrong tree?EDIT: While I know I can call a stored proc from EF, my intention is to learn how to convert a stored proc to EF.
I wrote what I want in SQL and here it is (and this works exactly how we need it to):
ALTER PROC [dbo].[ExecuteSync] @ClientID AS BIGINT AS
SELECT CompanyID FROM CompanyDetails WHERE ClientID = @ClientID
SELECT 'Syncing feed data for ' + CompanyName FROM Company WHERE CompanyId = @cid
-- n/a --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
--SELECT a.*
-- , p.*
-- FROM RIVFeeds..AutoWithImage a
-- INNER JOIN Product p ON a.StockNumber = p.SKU
-- WHERE ClientID = @ClientID
-- AND a.Active = 1
-- AND a.Updated <= p.LastFeedUpdate
-- Needs UPDATE -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
PRINT '--[ UPDATE ]--'
UPDATE Product
SET [Description] = ''
, [Image] = a.ImageURL
, isDeleted = a.Active ^ 1
, isFromFeed = 1
, LastFeedUpdate = a.Updated
, LowestPrice = a.GuaranteedSalePrice
, RetailPrice = a.ListPrice
, [Title] = ''
, Updated = GETUTCDATE()
, UpdatedBy = 'Feed Sync Process'
FROM RIVFeeds..AutoWithImage a
INNER JOIN Product p ON a.StockNumber = p.SKU AND a.AutoID = p.alternateProductID
WHERE ClientID = @ClientID
AND p.CompanyID = @cid
AND a.Updated > p.LastFeedUpdate
-- Needs BACKUP -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
PRINT '--[ BACKUP #1 ]--'
INSERT INTO ProductDeleted(ProductId, alternateProductID, CompanyID, CharacterId, URLDomain, SKU, Title, Description, ButtonConfig, RetailPrice, LowestPrice, Image
, BackgroundColor, FontColor, buttonPositionCSS, isFromFeed, isDeleted, LastFeedUpdate, Created, CreatedBy, Updated, UpdatedBy)
SELECT p.ProductId, p.alternateProductID, p.CompanyID, p.CharacterId, p.URLDomain, p.SKU, p.Title, p.Description, p.ButtonConfig, p.RetailPrice, p.LowestPrice, p.Image
, p.BackgroundColor, p.FontColor, p.buttonPositionCSS, p.isFromFeed, p.isDeleted, p.LastFeedUpdate, p.Created, p.CreatedBy, GETUTCDATE(), 'Feed Sync Process'
FROM Product p
WHERE p.isDeleted = 1
AND p.CompanyID = @cid
-- Needs DELETE -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
PRINT '--[ DELETE #1 ]--'
WHERE CompanyID = @cid
AND isDeleted = 1
-- Needs INSERT -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
PRINT '--[ INSERT ]--'
INSERT INTO Product(ProductId, alternat开发者_C百科eProductID, CompanyID, CharacterId, URLDomain, SKU, Title, Description, ButtonConfig, RetailPrice, LowestPrice, Image
, BackgroundColor, FontColor, buttonPositionCSS, isFromFeed, isDeleted, LastFeedUpdate, Created, CreatedBy)
, a.AutoID
, @cid
, ''
, ''
, a.StockNumber
, ''
, ''
, ''
, a.ListPrice
, a.GuaranteedSalePrice
, COALESCE(a.ImageURL, '')
, ''
, ''
, ''
, 1
, 0
, a.Updated
, 'Feed Sync Process'
FROM RIVFeeds..AutoWithImage a
WHERE a.ClientID = @ClientID
AND a.StockNumber NOT IN (SELECT p.sku FROM Product p WHERE CompanyID = @cid AND isFromFeed = 1)
AND a.AutoID NOT IN (SELECT p.alternateProductID FROM Product p WHERE CompanyID = @cid AND isFromFeed = 1)
AND a.Active = 1
--PRINT @cid
Now I am writing it in code utilizing Entity Frameworks (not completed yet):
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using RivWorks.Model;
using RivWorks.Model.Entities;
using RivWorks.Model.Feeds;
using RivWorks.Model.RivData;
using model = RivWorks.Model.Entities;
namespace RivWorks.Controller.Sync
public static class Feeds
#region Public Methods
public static bool Product(long ClientID)
bool retFlag = true;
DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now;
DateTime splitTime = startTime;
Guid companyID;
DateTime createdUpdated = DateTime.UtcNow;
string createdUpdatedBy = "Feed Sync Process";
List<SyncMessage> Activity = new List<SyncMessage>();
List<model.Product> insertProductList = new List<Product>();
List<model.Product> updateProductList = new List<Product>();
List<model.Product> deleteProductList = new List<Product>();
using (RivEntities _dbRiv = new RivWorksStore(Stores.RivConnString).NegotiationEntities())
using (FeedsEntities _dbFeed = new FeedStoreReadOnly(Stores.FeedConnString).ReadOnlyEntities())
List<model.AutoWithImage> feedProductList = _dbFeed.AutoWithImage.Where(a => a.ClientID == ClientID).ToList();
List<model.vwCompanyDetails> companyDetailList = _dbRiv.vwCompanyDetails.Where(a => a.ClientID == ClientID).ToList();
foreach (model.vwCompanyDetails companyDetail in companyDetailList)
companyID = companyDetail.CompanyId;
List<model.Product> rivProductList = _dbRiv.Product.Include("Company").Where(a => a.Company.CompanyId == companyID).ToList();
#region Handle UPDATES...
var updateFeedProductList = from f in feedProductList
join r in rivProductList
on f.AutoID equals r.alternateProductID
where f.Updated > r.LastFeedUpdate.Value || f.Active == false
select f;
var updateRivProductList = from r in rivProductList
join f in feedProductList
on r.alternateProductID equals f.AutoID
where f.Updated > r.LastFeedUpdate.Value || f.Active == false
select r;
foreach (model.AutoWithImage feedProduct in updateFeedProductList)
bool alreadyExists = false;
foreach (model.Product rivProduct in updateRivProductList)
if (feedProduct.StockNumber == rivProduct.SKU && feedProduct.AutoID == rivProduct.alternateProductID)
alreadyExists = true;
// Active feed items...
if (feedProduct.Active)
// Changed since last sync...
if (feedProduct.Updated > rivProduct.LastFeedUpdate)
rivProduct.ProductId = rivProduct.ProductId;
rivProduct.Company = rivProduct.Company;
rivProduct.alternateProductID = feedProduct.AutoID;
rivProduct.Description = String.Empty.EnforceNoNull();
rivProduct.Image = feedProduct.ImageURL.EnforceNoNull();
rivProduct.isDeleted = false;
rivProduct.isFromFeed = true;
rivProduct.LastFeedUpdate = feedProduct.Updated;
rivProduct.LowestPrice = feedProduct.GuaranteedSalePrice;
rivProduct.RetailPrice = feedProduct.ListPrice;
rivProduct.Title = String.Empty.EnforceNoNull();
rivProduct.Updated = createdUpdated;
rivProduct.UpdatedBy = createdUpdatedBy;
// Not changed since last sync...
else if (feedProduct.Updated <= rivProduct.LastFeedUpdate)
// nop
#region Handle DELETES...
List<model.Product> deleteRivProductList = _dbRiv.Product
.Where(a => a.Company.CompanyId == companyID
&& a.isDeleted == true)
// transfer to ProductDelete table...
foreach (model.Product delProduct in deleteRivProductList)
model.ProductDeleted productDeleted = new ProductDeleted();
productDeleted.alternateProductID = delProduct.alternateProductID;
productDeleted.BackgroundColor = delProduct.BackgroundColor;
productDeleted.ButtonConfig = delProduct.ButtonConfig;
productDeleted.buttonPositionCSS = delProduct.buttonPositionCSS;
productDeleted.CharacterId = delProduct.CharacterId;
productDeleted.CompanyID = companyID;
productDeleted.Created = delProduct.Created;
productDeleted.CreatedBy = delProduct.CreatedBy;
productDeleted.Description = delProduct.Description;
productDeleted.FontColor = delProduct.FontColor;
productDeleted.Image = delProduct.Image;
productDeleted.isDeleted = delProduct.isDeleted;
productDeleted.isFromFeed = delProduct.isFromFeed;
productDeleted.LastFeedUpdate = delProduct.LastFeedUpdate;
productDeleted.LowestPrice = delProduct.LowestPrice;
productDeleted.ProductId = delProduct.ProductId;
productDeleted.RetailPrice = delProduct.RetailPrice;
productDeleted.SKU = delProduct.SKU;
productDeleted.Title = delProduct.Title;
productDeleted.Updated = createdUpdated;
productDeleted.UpdatedBy = createdUpdatedBy;
productDeleted.URLDomain = delProduct.URLDomain;
int moves = _dbRiv.SaveChanges();
// delete the records...
foreach (model.Product delProduct in deleteRivProductList)
int deletes = _dbRiv.SaveChanges();
#region Handle INSERTS...
// to be written...
return retFlag; // remember to set this...
I know it's a bit messy right now. I am including this so if anyone has suggestions on how to better clean this up, better ways to utilize EF to do this, etc, I would appreciate it. I know there are some very slick ways of doing joins across entities and would like to learn rather than shooting myself in the foot.
Where are you actually inserting or deleting records? I see you add them to insertProductList
and deleteProductList
, but you never call Insert or Delete on your table _dbRiv.Product
I think what you're trying to accomplish is something like the following:
//perform all updates
//perform all deletes
//perform inserts, one at a time
foreach(model.Product p in insertProductList)
However, it's not clear how you're expecting to perform updates. It seems that instead of creating a new instance of model.Product
and setting its properties, you should be updating the properties of rivProduct
. Otherwise, with the code you have, I believe you will need to attach updateProduct
using _dbRiv.Product.Attach(updateProduct, rivProduct)
so that L2S will know which properties have changed.
I've got running code in place now. Since no one else is answering I have to assume that I am heading in the right direction. Thanks.