
scrapy - python question [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.

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Maybe not the correct place to post. But, I'm going to try anyway!

I开发者_Go百科've got a couple of test python parsing scripts that I created. They work enough for me to test what I'm working on.

However, I recently came across the python framework, Scrapy, which is used for web scraping. My app runs in a distributed process, across a testbed of multiple servers. I'm trying to understand scrapy, to see if it provides benefits over what I'm doing.

So, if possible, I'd really like to talk with a few people who are grounded in/or who use scrapy.

A good place to send an email would be their Google Group. There will likely be many users to help answer your general questions.

They also have an IRC channel for more rapid and direct interaction.





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