
Problems with South/Django: not recognizing the Django App

I've got a Django project on my machine and when I try to use South to migrate the data schema, I get several odd errors. Example:

$ python manage.py convert_to_south thisLocator

/Library/Python/2.6/site-packages/registration/models.py:4: DeprecationWarning: the sha >module is deprecated; use the hashlib module instead import sha /Users/cm/code/thisLocator/../thisLocator/batches/models.py:6: DeprecationWarning: the md5 >module is deprecated; use hashlib instead import md5

There is no enabled application matching 'thisLo开发者_JS百科cator'.

I've followed the South documentation. Settings.py has it in the installed apps, I can run import south from the manage.py shell. Everyone else on my team is calling the app thisLocator.

Am I doing something really stupid?

Am I doing something really stupid?

Well, let's start with the "is it plugged in" questions:

  • Is your project directory in your Python path?
  • Are you running python manage.py and not, say, python some/path/i/am/omitting/manage.py? (This is a great way to not have the project in the Python path.)
  • What is the output of ./manage.py syncdb? (I use ./manage.py instead of python manage.py just in case they refer to different pythons.)




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