
Converted JavaScript to FBJS - tabs still not working

I tried my best to convert JavaScript to FBJS according to this page: http://wiki.developers.facebook.com/index.php/FBJS.

Yet my tabs are still not working properly. Does anyone have any suggestions how to fix this so I can click through the tabs and display and hide content accordingly:

<script type="text/javascript"><!--
var tabLinks = [];
var contentDivs = [];

function init() {

  var tabListItems = document.getElementById('tabs').getChildNodes();
  for ( va开发者_JAVA百科r i = 0; i < tabListItems.length; i++ ) {
    if ( tabListItems[i].getNodeName("LI") ) {
      var tabLink = getFirstChildWithTagName( tabListItems[i], 'A' );
      var id = getHash( tabLink.getAttribute('href') );
      tabLinks[id] = tabLink;
      contentDivs[id] = document.getElementById( id );

  var i = 0;

  for ( var id in tabLinks ) {
    tabLinks[id].addEventListener(onclick,  showTab)
    tabLinks[id].addEventListener(onfocus,  function() { this.blur() };
    if ( i == 0 ) tabLinks[id].setClassName('selected');

  var i = 0;

  for ( var id in contentDivs ) {
    if ( i != 0 ) contentDivs[id].setClassName('tabContent hide');

function showTab() {
  var selectedId = getHash( this.getAttribute('href') );

  for ( var id in contentDivs ) {
    if ( id == selectedId ) {
    } else {
      contentDivs[id].setClassName('tabContent hide');

  return false;

function getFirstChildWithTagName( element, tagName ) {
  for ( var i = 0; i < element.getChildNodes().length; i++ ) {
    if ( element.getChildNodes[i].getNodeName(tagName) ) return element.getChildNodes[i];

function getHash( url ) {
  var hashPos = url.getLastIndexOf ( '#' );
  return url.getSubString( hashPos + 1 );


Thanks for any response.

FBML tabs (which use FBJS) are deprecated now and will be disabled in the future. You should create a new application with IFRAME tab (which is by default now).

IFRAME tabs are just tabs with IFRAME inside, and your code is loaded into this iframe from a specified URL as any other web page. You can use any Javascript frameworks in it (like jQuery), so you don't need to learn how to write FBJS.

Setup a Facebook page that uses a Facebook app. Make sure you set up your app using an iFrame that points to a file on your server. You'll get a lot more freedom using an iFrame when it comes to Javascript and it's a great way to leverage a CMS if you're going to need to do that as well. Best of Luck!





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