
Measuring time spent in application / thread

I am writing a simulation in Java whereby objects act under Newtonian physics. An object may have a force applied to it and the resulting velocity causes it to move across the screen. The nature of the simulation means that objects move in discrete steps depending on the开发者_如何学运维 time ellapsed between the current and previous iteration of the animation loop; e.g

public void animationLoop() {
  long prev = System.currentTimeMillis();
  long now;

  while(true) {
    long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
    long deltaMillis = now - prev;
    prev = now;

    if (deltaMillis > 0) { // Some time has passed
      for (Mass m : masses) {

      // Do all repaints.

A problem arises if the animation thread is delayed in some way causing a large amount of time to ellapse (the classic case being under Windows whereby clicking and holding on minimise / maximise prevents a repaint), which causes objects to move at an alarming rate. My question: Is there a way to determine the time spent in the animation thread rather than the wallclock time, or can anyone suggest a workaround to avoid this problem?

My only thought so far is to contstrain deltaMillis by some upper bound.

Have you considered using something like a timer instead of spinning in a loop?

TimerTask tt = new TimerTask(){
  long prev = System.currentTimeMillis();
  public void run(){
    long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
    for (Mass m : masses) {
    prev = now;

new Timer(true).schedule(tt, 1000, 1000) ;

This way you are guaranteed to at least have some delay between the update of your objects so you shouldn't have a bunch of repaints consecutively as with the while(true) loop, and if the thread is delayed you will not got an immediate re-execution of the task, from the docs: "In fixed-delay execution, each execution is scheduled relative to the actual execution time of the previous execution."

I found javax.swing.Timer.html particularly helpful for this. Here's an example that models elastic collisions among spherical particles and the walls of a container.

Addendum: This related approach may help de-couple the model from the view. A separate thread models the system's evolution, while the view renders a "snapshot" of the model at a fixed rate.

In either case, I cap the rate to accommodate the slowest target platform.

You might like to read this article entitled "Java: Getting Thread Time with ThreadMXBean".

Basically, there is a class ThreadMXBean that enables you to get time spent in particular Thread. I haven't tried that, but the methods (and examples from article I mentioned) look promising, so I think you will be able to accomplish what you want with this.

I would use an animation library for doing the animation instead of reinventing the wheel. Here are two good choices:

  • The Timing Framework
  • Trident




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