Can't add a resize handle for an svg element in Angular
I am trying to build a web-based paint application using Angular and I am still a bit new to web development. My application uses svg elements to render geometric shapes such as circle, rectangles,..etc but I can't add a resize functionality to my application, I want to the user to be able to resize any svg element at will.
Here's my code
<circle *ngFor="let circle of circles; let i = index"
selector: '[app-circle]',
templateUrl: './circle.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./circle.component.css']
export class CircleComponent implements OnInit {
isPressed = false;
selectedID = 1;
constructor() { }
ngOnInit(): void {
circles: Circle[] = [
{id:0, x: 50, y: 50, r: 40, color: 'red'},
{id:1, x: 100, y: 200, r: 50, color: 'green'},
{id:2, x: 200, y: 300, r: 60, color: 'blue'}
selectObject(index: number){
this.selectedID = index;
console.log('select called with index ' + index);
I know i can simply change the r value for the circle I want to resize easily but I don't know how to add handles to my svg element to indicate that this is possible like this: What I want to achieve
I have tried putting 4 div elements as a child element inside my circle element to style it into little resize handles, but it turns out I can't put divs inside svg.
I also tried putting basic circle svg elements inside my circle and then style it, but angular does not render them.