
jQuery: how to create a new div, assign some attributes, and create an id from some other elements attributes?

jQuery: how to create a new div, assign some attributes, and create an id from some other elements attributes?

How can I accomplish this. What I've tried开发者_开发问答 below is not working and I'm unsure how to make it work.

What I'm trying to do is create a div and assign it some attributes, then append this div to all the < li > elements that are the on the last node of my unordered list. And lastly, but most important I want to retrieve the value of the attribute called "p_node" from the < li > that is being appended to and insert it in as part of the ID of the newly created div.

Here's my current jQuery code:

$('<div />,{id:"'+ $("#nav li:not(:has(li))").attr("p_node").val() +'_p_cont_div", class:"property_position"}').appendTo("#nav li:not(:has(li))");

Here's the HTML before the div creation:

    <li p_node="98" class="page_name">Category A</li>
    <li p_node="99" class="page_name">Category B</li>

Here's what I want it to look like after the new div creation:

    <li p_node="98" class="page_name">Category A</li>
    <div id="98_p_cont_div" class="property_position"></div>
    <li p_node="99" class="page_name">Category B</li>
    <div id="99_p_cont_div" class="property_position"></div>


This works:

$("#nav li:not(:has(li))").each(function () {
    var self = $(this);
    p_node = self.attr(\'p_node\');
    self.after("<div  class=\'property_position\' />");

This doesn't work:

$("#nav li:not(:has(li))").each(function () {
    var self = $(this);
    p_node = self.attr(\'p_node\');
    self.after("<div id=\'" + p_node + "\' class=\'property_position\' />");

This also doesn't work:

$("#nav li:not(:has(li))").each(function () {
    var self = $(this);
    p_node = self.attr(\'p_node\');
    self.after("<div class=\'property_position\' />");

It's a syntax error, try:

$("#nav li:not(:has(li))").each(function () {
    var self = $(this);
    p_node = self.attr('p_node');
    self.after("<div id='" + p_node + "' class='property_position' />");

This one has a syntax error, and a wrong selector:

$("#nav li:not(:has(li))").each(function () {
    var self = $(this);
    p_node = self.attr('p_node');
    self.after("<div class='property_position' />");
    self.next().attr('id', p_node);

But you're still missing the "_p_cont_div" part of the id, so how about:

$("#nav li:not(:has(li))").each(function () {
    var self = $(this);
    p_node = self.attr('p_node');
    self.after("<div id='" + p_node + "_p_cont_div' class='property_position' />");

But then we're heading back to what I originally posted:

self.after('<div id="' + self.attr('p_node') + '_p_cont_div" class="property_position" />')

You want to append a different element to each li.

The best way to do this is to call append with a generator function, like this: (Untested)

$("#nav li:not(:has(li))").append(function(index, html) { 
    return $('<div />', {
        id:    $(this).attr("p_node").val() + '_p_cont_div', 
        class: "property_position"

Alternatively, you can keep your current code, then call attr on the newly-inserted <div>s with a function that checks the parent attribute.

I went for:

$('selector').each(function () {
    var self = $(this);

    self.after('<div id="' + self.attr('p_node') + '_p_cont_div" class="property_position" />');

I couldn't work out what elements you want this to be performed on.

The problem you have at the moment is that you're adding exactly the same element to each UL, as you're first generating the element, and then adding it repeatedly.

(Selector would need to match the LI, but the code could be adapted to match something else.)





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