
Can I get the "value" of an arbitrary statement in JavaScript (like eval does, but without eval)

In JavaScript is there开发者_StackOverflow a way to get the "value" of a statement in the same way that function() { return eval("if (true) { 1 }"); } returns "1";

function() { return if (true) { 1 } } and all similar permutations I've tried are not valid syntax.

Is eval just blessed with special powers to determine the "last" value of a statement in an expression?

Use case is a REPL that evaluates arbitrary expressions and returns the result. eval works, but I want to wrap it in function.

function(expr) { return eval(expr); }

But that really doesn't do anything more than what eval does, so I'm guessing you must want to do things with the return value of eval before returning it?


function custom_eval(expr) 
  var result = eval(expr);
  if ((typeof result))=="string")
     alert("The expression returned a string value of: " + result); 
  if ((typeof result))=="number")
     alert("The expression returned a number with value: " + result);
  //and so on and so forth...
  return result;

 var bob = custom_eval("x=\"bob\";x");

(More on the typeof operator)

To evaluate arbitrary javascript code in javascript you have three options

  • eval. This is usually considered as "dangerous", but since javascript is executed on the client's computer, they can only harm themselves (unless you provide clients with a way to share their codes).
  • Function constructor. The same concerns apply.
  • write a javascript interpreter. This is definitely tricky for "arbitrary" code.

You can use || to get the first value that isn't null/undefined/0:

var t = 1 || 'b' || 3 || 'd'; // assigns 1

var t = 0 || null || undefined || 'd'; // assigns d

You can use && to get the last value, if no short-circuiting null/undefined/0 is found first:

var t = 1 && 'b' && 3 && 'd'; // assigns d

var t = 0 && null && undefined && 'd'; // assigns 0




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