
Beginner python - stuck in a loop

I have two begininer programs, both using the 'while' function, one works correctly, and the other gets me stuck in a loop. The first program is this;

bob = True
print('The guess a number Game!')

while bob == True:
    guess = int(input('What is your guess?  '))

    if guess==num:
        print('wow! You\'re awesome!')
        print('but don\'t worry, you still suck')
        bob = False
    elif guess>num:
        print('try a lower number')
        print('close, but too low')

print('game over')``

and it gives the p开发者_如何学JAVAredictable output of;

The guess a number Game!
What is your guess?  12
close, but too low
What is your guess?  56
try a lower number
What is your guess?  54
wow! You're awesome!
but don't worry, you still suck
game over

However, I also have this program, which doesn't work;

#define vars
a = int(input('Please insert a number: '))
b = int(input('Please insert a second number: '))

#try a function
def func_tim(a,b):
    bob = True
    while bob == True:
        if a == b:
            print('nice and equal')
            bob = False
        elif b > a:
             print('b is picking on a!')
            print('a is picking on b!')
#call a function

Which outputs;

Please insert a number: 12
Please insert a second number: 14
b is picking on a!
b is picking on a!
b is picking on a!
...(repeat in a loop)....

Can someone please let me know why these programs are different? Thank you!

In the second example, the user doesn't get a chance to enter a new guess inside the loop, so a and b remain the same.

In the second program you never give the user a chance to pick two new numbers if they're not equal. Put the lines where you get input from the user inside the loop, like this:

#try a function
def func_tim():
    bob = True
    while bob == True:
        #define vars
        a = int(input('Please insert a number: '))
        b = int(input('Please insert a second number: '))

        if a == b:
            print('nice and equal')
            bob = False
        elif b > a:
             print('b is picking on a!')
            print('a is picking on b!')
#call a function

in your 2nd program, if b > a, you will go back to the loop because bob is still true. You forgot to ask the user to input again.. try it this way

  def func_tim():
    while 1:
       a = int(input('Please insert a number: '))
       b = int(input('Please insert a second number: '))
       if a == b:
           print('nice and equal')
       elif b > a:
           print('b is picking on a!')
           print('a is picking on b!')


Your second program doesn't allow the user to reenter his guess if it's not correct. Put the input into the while loop.

Additional hint: Don't make checks like variable == True, just say while variable:.





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