
Memory usage with Django + SQLite3

I've开发者_运维知识库 got a very large SQLite table with over 500,000 rows with about 15 columns (mostly floats). I'm wanting to transfer data from the SQLite DB to a Django app (which could be backed by many RDBMs, but Postgres in my case). Everything works OK, but as the iteration continues, memory usage jumps by 2-3 meg a second for the Python process. I've tried using 'del' to delete the EVEMapDenormalize and row objects at the end of each iteration, but the bloat continues. Here's an excerpt, any ideas?

class Importer_mapDenormalize(SQLImporter):
def run_importer(self, conn):
    c = conn.cursor()

    for row in c.execute('select * from mapDenormalize'):
        mapdenorm, created = EVEMapDenormalize.objects.get_or_create(id=row['itemID'])
        mapdenorm.x = row['x']
        mapdenorm.y = row['y']
        mapdenorm.z = row['z']

        if row['typeID']:
            mapdenorm.type = EVEInventoryType.objects.get(id=row['typeID'])

        if row['groupID']:
            mapdenorm.group = EVEInventoryGroup.objects.get(id=row['groupID'])

        if row['solarSystemID']:
            mapdenorm.solar_system = EVESolarSystem.objects.get(id=row['solarSystemID'])

        if row['constellationID']:
            mapdenorm.constellation = EVEConstellation.objects.get(id=row['constellationID'])

        if row['regionID']:
            mapdenorm.region = EVERegion.objects.get(id=row['regionID'])


I'm not at all interested in wrapping this SQLite DB with the Django ORM. I'd just really like to figure out how to get the data transferred without sucking all of my RAM.

Silly me, this was addressed in the Django FAQ.

Needed to clear the DB query cache while in DEBUG mode.

from django import db 

I think a select * from mapDenormalize and loading the result into memory will always be a bad idea. My advise is - spread script into chunks. Use LIMIT to get data in portions.

Get first portion, work with it, close to cursor, and then get the next portion.





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