
What are the helpful online resources there for Python beginners?

Specifically for the ff: topics:

  • Windows installation
  • Using mod_wsgi/mod_python
  • Python best practices
  • Python security stuff
  • Using Pylons


The official Python tutorial is a High quality, very well written introduction to Python.

The Begginers guide is a good source of all interesting materials of Python.

I loved the original Dive into Python but it is fairly old(10 years?), and doesn't necessarily document all the changes in the recent years. However the author has written another master piece that is targeted at Python 3 users: Dive into Python 3.

Best practices: http://python.net/~goodger/projects/pycon/2007/idiomatic/handout.html

Pylons: http://pylonsbook.com/

And obviously, the Python docs: http://docs.python.org

Many of the beginners who start learning python , do over learning. I have seen developers learning arrays for weeks , threading for next week and by doing so they loose stamina and interest in python eventually.

If you do project based learning , i mean like take small projects and modules and execute them you learn to the point , focused and faster.

I have created this tutorial which teaches Python using sample projects , you can give a try ==> Python for beginners.





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