
Doctrine wildcard WHERE query?

Is it possible to craft a wildcard WHERE query with Doctrine, like so:

->where('this_field = ?', ANYTHING);

I'd be using this to build a search query dynamically out of unknown user-select开发者_如何转开发ed parameters and therefore would need to have the condition in place but capable of accepting the value "anything".

To add, I can get this to work:

$field = 'this_field = ?';
$value = 5;
->where($field, $value);

... but it's still doesn't allow me to use "anything" as value or to eliminate the entire query condition. The following fails:

$field = NULL;
$value = NULL;
->where($field, $value);


If you build the query dynamically you can also check wther $value has a value or not and then add the where part if necessary. E.g.

$q; // Your query object.

if(isset($value)) {   // or empty() or maybe just if($value) depending on your needs.
    $q->where('this_field = ?', $value);

This is easier to understand and easier to debug imo.

[Answer to own question]

After playing around with this, found a solution that works, posting here for others.

Using ->whereIn allows Doctrine to ignore a query condition completely:

$empty = array();
->andWhereIn('this_field', $empty)

The above condition doesn't get included in the resulting SQL at all.





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