
Installing a configuration profile on iPhone - programmatically

I would like to ship a configuration profile with my iPhone application, and install it if needed.

Mind you, we're talking about a configuration profile, not a provisioning profile.

First off, such a task is possible. If you place a config profile on a Web page and click on it from Safari, it will get installed. If you e-mail a profile and click the attachment, it will install as well. "Installed" in this case means "The installation UI is invoked" - but I could not even get that far.

So I was working under the theory that initiating a profile installation involves navigating to it as a URL. I added the profile to my app bundle.

A) First, I tried [sharedApp openURL] with the file:// URL into my bundle. No such luck - nothing happens.

B) I then added an HTML page to my bundle that has a link to the profile, and loaded it into a UIWebView. Clicking on the link does nothing. Loading an identical page from a Web server in Safari, however, works fine - the link is clickable, the profile installs. I provided a UIWebViewDelegate, answering YES to every navigation request - no difference.

C) Then I tried to load the same Web page from my bundle in Safari (using [sharedApp openURL] - nothing happens. I guess, Safari cannot see files inside my app bundle.

D) Uploading the page and the profile on a Web server is doable, but a pain on the organizational level, not to mention an extra source of failures (what if no 3G coverage? etc.).

So my big question is: **how do I install a profile programmatically?

And the little questions are: what can make a link non-clickable within a UIWebView? Is it possible to load a file:// URL from my bundle in Safari? If not, is there a local location on iPhone where I can place files and Safari can find them?

EDIT on B): the problem is somehow in the fact that we're linking to a profile. I renamed it from .mobileconfig to .xml ('cause it's really XML), altered开发者_如何学C the link. And the link worked in my UIWebView. Renamed it back - same stuff. It looks as if UIWebView is reluctant to do application-wide stuff - since installation of the profile closes the app. I tried telling it that it's OK - by means of UIWebViewDelegate - but that did not convince. Same behavior for mailto: URLs within UIWebView.

For mailto: URLs the common technique is to translate them into [openURL] calls, but that doesn't quite work for my case, see scenario A.

For itms: URLs, however, UIWebView works as expected...

EDIT2: tried feeding a data URL to Safari via [openURL] - does not work, see here: iPhone Open DATA: Url In Safari

EDIT3: found a lot of info on how Safari does not support file:// URLs. UIWebView, however, very much does. Also, Safari on the simulator open them just fine. The latter bit is the most frustrating.

EDIT4: I never found a solution. Instead, I put together a two-bit Web interface where the users can order the profile e-mailed to them.

1) Install a local server like RoutingHTTPServer

2) Configure the custom header :

[httpServer setDefaultHeader:@"Content-Type" value:@"application/x-apple-aspen-config"];

3) Configure the local root path for the mobileconfig file (Documents):

[httpServer setDocumentRoot:[NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSDocumentDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES) objectAtIndex:0]];

4) In order to allow time for the web server to send the file, add this :


UIBackgroundTaskIdentifier bgTask;

- (void)applicationDidEnterBackground:(UIApplication *)application {
    NSAssert(self->bgTask == UIBackgroundTaskInvalid, nil);
    bgTask = [application beginBackgroundTaskWithExpirationHandler: ^{
        dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
            [application endBackgroundTask:self->bgTask];
            self->bgTask = UIBackgroundTaskInvalid;

5) In your controller, call safari with the name of the mobileconfig stored in Documents :

[[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString: @"http://localhost:12345/MyProfile.mobileconfig"]];

The answer from malinois worked for me, BUT, I wanted a solution that came back to the app automatically after the user installed the mobileconfig.

It took me 4 hours, but here is the solution, built on malinois' idea of having a local http server: you return HTML to safari that refreshes itself; the first time the server returns the mobileconfig, and the second time it returns the custom url-scheme to get back to your app. The UX is what I wanted: the app calls safari, safari opens mobileconfig, when user hits "done" on mobileconfig, then safari loads your app again (custom url scheme).

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions
    // Override point for customization after application launch.

    _httpServer = [[RoutingHTTPServer alloc] init];
    [_httpServer setPort:8000];                               // TODO: make sure this port isn't already in use

    _firstTime = TRUE;
    [_httpServer handleMethod:@"GET" withPath:@"/start" target:self selector:@selector(handleMobileconfigRootRequest:withResponse:)];
    [_httpServer handleMethod:@"GET" withPath:@"/load" target:self selector:@selector(handleMobileconfigLoadRequest:withResponse:)];

    NSMutableString* path = [NSMutableString stringWithString:[[NSBundle mainBundle] bundlePath]];
    [path appendString:@"/your.mobileconfig"];
    _mobileconfigData = [NSData dataWithContentsOfFile:path];

    [_httpServer start:NULL];

    return YES;

- (void)handleMobileconfigRootRequest:(RouteRequest *)request withResponse:(RouteResponse *)response {
    [response respondWithString:@"<HTML><HEAD><title>Profile Install</title>\
     </HEAD><script> \
     function load() { window.location.href='http://localhost:8000/load/'; } \
     var int=self.setInterval(function(){load()},400); \

- (void)handleMobileconfigLoadRequest:(RouteRequest *)request withResponse:(RouteResponse *)response {
    if( _firstTime ) {
        NSLog(@"handleMobileconfigLoadRequest, first time");
        _firstTime = FALSE;

        [response setHeader:@"Content-Type" value:@"application/x-apple-aspen-config"];
        [response respondWithData:_mobileconfigData];
    } else {
        NSLog(@"handleMobileconfigLoadRequest, NOT first time");
        [response setStatusCode:302]; // or 301
        [response setHeader:@"Location" value:@"yourapp://custom/scheme"];

... and here is the code to call into this from the app (ie viewcontroller):

[[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString: @"http://localhost:8000/start/"]];

Hope this helps someone.

I have written a class for installing a mobileconfig file via Safari and then returning to the app. It relies on the http server engine Swifter which I found to be working well. I want to share my code below for doing this. It is inspired by multiple code sources I found floating in the www. So if you find pieces of your own code, contributions to you.

class ConfigServer: NSObject {

    //TODO: Don't foget to add your custom app url scheme to info.plist if you have one!

    private enum ConfigState: Int
        case Stopped, Ready, InstalledConfig, BackToApp

    internal let listeningPort: in_port_t! = 8080
    internal var configName: String! = "Profile install"
    private var localServer: HttpServer!
    private var returnURL: String!
    private var configData: NSData!

    private var serverState: ConfigState = .Stopped
    private var startTime: NSDate!
    private var registeredForNotifications = false
    private var backgroundTask = UIBackgroundTaskInvalid


    init(configData: NSData, returnURL: String)
        self.returnURL = returnURL
        self.configData = configData
        localServer = HttpServer()

    //MARK:- Control functions

    internal func start() -> Bool
        let page = self.baseURL("start/")
        let url: NSURL = NSURL(string: page)!
        if UIApplication.sharedApplication().canOpenURL(url) {
            var error: NSError?
            localServer.start(listeningPort, error: &error)
            if error == nil {
                startTime = NSDate()
                serverState = .Ready
                return true
            } else {
        return false

    internal func stop()
        if serverState != .Stopped {
            serverState = .Stopped

    //MARK:- Private functions

    private func setupHandlers()
        localServer["/start"] = { request in
            if self.serverState == .Ready {
                let page = self.basePage("install/")
                return .OK(.HTML(page))
            } else {
                return .NotFound
        localServer["/install"] = { request in
            switch self.serverState {
            case .Stopped:
                return .NotFound
            case .Ready:
                self.serverState = .InstalledConfig
                return HttpResponse.RAW(200, "OK", ["Content-Type": "application/x-apple-aspen-config"], self.configData!)
            case .InstalledConfig:
                return .MovedPermanently(self.returnURL)
            case .BackToApp:
                let page = self.basePage(nil)
                return .OK(.HTML(page))

    private func baseURL(pathComponent: String?) -> String
        var page = "http://localhost:\(listeningPort)"
        if let component = pathComponent {
            page += "/\(component)"
        return page

    private func basePage(pathComponent: String?) -> String
        var page = "<!doctype html><html>" + "<head><meta charset='utf-8'><title>\(self.configName)</title></head>"
        if let component = pathComponent {
            let script = "function load() { window.location.href='\(self.baseURL(component))'; }window.setInterval(load, 600);"
            page += "<script>\(script)</script>"
        page += "<body></body></html>"
        return page

    private func returnedToApp() {
        if serverState != .Stopped {
            serverState = .BackToApp
        // Do whatever else you need to to

    private func registerForNotifications() {
        if !registeredForNotifications {
            let notificationCenter = NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter()
            notificationCenter.addObserver(self, selector: "didEnterBackground:", name: UIApplicationDidEnterBackgroundNotification, object: nil)
            notificationCenter.addObserver(self, selector: "willEnterForeground:", name: UIApplicationWillEnterForegroundNotification, object: nil)
            registeredForNotifications = true

    private func unregisterFromNotifications() {
        if registeredForNotifications {
            let notificationCenter = NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter()
            notificationCenter.removeObserver(self, name: UIApplicationDidEnterBackgroundNotification, object: nil)
            notificationCenter.removeObserver(self, name: UIApplicationWillEnterForegroundNotification, object: nil)
            registeredForNotifications = false

    internal func didEnterBackground(notification: NSNotification) {
        if serverState != .Stopped {

    internal func willEnterForeground(notification: NSNotification) {
        if backgroundTask != UIBackgroundTaskInvalid {

    private func startBackgroundTask() {
        let application = UIApplication.sharedApplication()
        backgroundTask = application.beginBackgroundTaskWithExpirationHandler() {
            dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue()) {

    private func stopBackgroundTask() {
        if backgroundTask != UIBackgroundTaskInvalid {
            backgroundTask = UIBackgroundTaskInvalid

I think what you are looking for is "Over the Air Enrollment" using the Simple Certificate Enrollment Protocol (SCEP). Have a look at the OTA Enrollment Guide and the SCEP Payload section of the Enterprise Deployment Guide.

According to the Device Config Overview you only have four options:

  • Desktop installation via USB
  • Email (attachment)
  • Website (via Safari)
  • Over-the-Air Enrollment and Distribution

Have you tried just having the app mail the user the config profile the first time it starts up?

-(IBAction)mailConfigProfile {
     MFMailComposeViewController *email = [[MFMailComposeViewController alloc] init];
     email.mailComposeDelegate = self;

     [email setSubject:@"My App's Configuration Profile"];

     NSString *filePath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"MyAppConfig" ofType:@"mobileconfig"];  
     NSData *configData = [NSData dataWithContentsOfFile:filePath]; 
     [email addAttachmentData:configData mimeType:@"application/x-apple-aspen-config" fileName:@"MyAppConfig.mobileconfig"];

     NSString *emailBody = @"Please tap the attachment to install the configuration profile for My App.";
     [email setMessageBody:emailBody isHTML:YES];

     [self presentModalViewController:email animated:YES];
     [email release];

I made it an IBAction in case you want to tie it to a button so the user can re-send it to themselves at any time. Note that I may not have the correct MIME type in the example above, you should verify that.

Just host the file on a website with the extension *.mobileconfig and set the MIME type to application/x-apple-aspen-config. The user will be prompted, but if they accept the profile should be installed.

You cannot install these profiles programmatically.

This page explains how to use images from your bundle in a UIWebView.

Perhaps the same would work for a configuration profile as well.

I've though of another way in which it might work (unfortunately I don't have a configuration profile to test out with):

// Create a UIViewController which contains a UIWebView
- (void)viewDidLoad {
    [super viewDidLoad];
    // Tells the webView to load the config profile
    [self.webView loadRequest:[NSURLRequest requestWithURL:self.cpUrl]];

// Then in your code when you see that the profile hasn't been installed:
ConfigProfileViewController *cpVC = 
        [[ConfigProfileViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"MobileConfigView"
NSString *cpPath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"configProfileName"
cpVC.cpURL = [NSURL URLWithString:cpPath];
// Then if your app has a nav controller you can just push the view 
// on and it will load your mobile config (which should install it).
[self.navigationController pushViewController:controller animated:YES];
[cpVC release];

Not sure why you need a configuration profile, but you can try to hack with this delegate from the UIWebView:

- (BOOL)webView:(UIWebView *)webView shouldStartLoadWithRequest:(NSURLRequest *)request navigationType:(UIWebViewNavigationType)navigationType{
    if (navigationType == UIWebViewNavigationTypeLinkClicked) {
        //do something with link clicked
        return NO;
    return YES;

Otherwise, you may consider enable the installation from a secure server.

This is a great thread, and especially the blog mentioned above.

For those doing Xamarin, here's my added 2 cents. I embedded the leaf cert in my app as Content, then used the following code to check it:

        using Foundation;
        using Security;

        NSData data = NSData.FromFile("Leaf.cer");
        SecCertificate cert = new SecCertificate(data);
        SecPolicy policy = SecPolicy.CreateBasicX509Policy();
        SecTrust trust = new SecTrust(cert, policy);
        SecTrustResult result = trust.Evaluate();
        return SecTrustResult.Unspecified == result; // true if installed

(Man, I love how clean that code is, vs. either of Apple's languages)





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