
Where do I find API key and API secret for Facebook?

Try开发者_C百科ing to connect to Facebook to make a statusupdate through my Android application. Got the whole thing running but I need API key + secret. Where can I create/get a hold of these?

private static final String apiKey = "<YOUR API KEY>";
private static final String apiSecret = "<YOUR SECRET KEY>";

Tried the same thing with Twitter and then I just "created" an application and recieved "ConsumerKEY" and "ConsumerSECRET", but what is the deal with Facebook?

You have to log on to facebook (with any valid account), go to Account -> Application settings -> Developer -> Set up new application (button at the top right). After creating application you will see the key and secret at application settings page.

Nowaday, facebook developers page and creating API process was changed. now you must to open developers.facebook.com/apps . If you have registrated as a facebook developer you will see in top of the right create new app, otherwise you have to do registration. After than create a app. I use the site as a helper and the url helpful too, but the site is a few older.

Here is docs you can get all information about creating new app.

You'll need to create an application at http://www.facebook.com/developers/. This will give you an API key and secret specific to your app.





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