
Anonymous delegates don't seem to enforce type-checking

I've put together a small code-sample below (Currently in C# 3.5 but would also like to know if the answer is any different in C# 4.0)

I have three simple delegates, and three simple functions ... No problem here, everything compiles as expected, and will not compile if I accidentally try to link delegate A with Method B etc (wrong number of parameters).

What I'm struggling to understand is why the anonymous functions seem happy to be linked to all three of the named delegates

public class Foo
   public delegate void del_TestWithNoParams();
   public delegate void del_TestWithThreeInts(int x, int y, int z);
   public delegate void del_TestWithIntPtr(IntPtr ptr);

   public void DoStuff()
      //All OK so Far ... Code will not compile if I mix these up
      del_TestWithNoParams d1 =
         TestWithNoParams; d1();
      del_TestWithThreeInts d2 =
         TestWithThreeInts; d2(2, 4, 8);
      del_TestWithIntPtr d3 =
         TestWithIntPtr; d3(new IntPtr(0x1234567));

      //Why do these compile
      del_TestWithNoParams d4_nocompile =
         delegate { Console.WriteLine("AnonymousDel d4"); };
      del_TestWithThreeInts d5_nocompile =
         delegate { Console.WriteLine("AnonymousDel d5"); };
      del_TestWithIntPtr d6_nocompile =
         delegate { Console.WriteLine("AnonymousDel d6"); };

      // Edit 1 goes here

     public void TestWithNoParams()
     { Console.WriteLine("NoParams"); }
     public void TestWithThreeInts(int x, int y, int z)
     { Console.WriteLine("Ints: {0},{1},{2}", x, y, z); }
     public void TestWithIntPtr(IntPtr ptr)
     { Console.WriteLine("IntPtr: 0x{0:X8}", ptr.ToInt32()); }


Also (just to give you a complete runnable app...)

static void Main(string[] args)
     var f = new Foo();
     Console.WriteLine("Done"); Console.ReadLine();

Edit 1: Using Lambda Methods

 //This work as expected - and fail to build if I get the parameter-count wrong.
 del_TestWithNoParams d7 =
   (() => Console.WriteLine("Lambda NoParams"));
 del_TestWithThreeInts d8 =
   ((a, b, c) => Console.WriteLine("Lambda Ints: {0},{1},{2}", a, b, c));
 del_TestWithIntPtr d9 =
   ((ptr) => Console.WriteLine("Lambda IntPtr: 0x{0:X8}", ptr.ToInt32()));
 Test(d7, d8, d9);

Simple Helper Function:

private void Test(del_TestWithNoParams del_A, del_TestWithThreeInts del_B, del_TestWithIntPtr del_C)
   del_B(2, 4, 8);
   del_C(new IntPtr(0x1234567));

... Would you agree that this is a better method to write the same code ???

Edit #2 - Summary of Answers

I realise that (whichever way I write the code), the generated IL byte-code is still Type-Safe..

As with many things in C#, named-delegates, anonymous delegates, and lambda methods each have their own place, and there is a balance between "code-readability", "compiler-expansion-of-code" and the suitability for the individual application being written.

The replies below have helped answer the question, and show that the compiler is really doing something similar to the following.

1 - It will NOT allow me to make this mistake

//del_TestWithIntPtr d_mistake_A =
//   delegate(int x,int y,int z) { Console.WriteLine(x + y + z); };

2 - The "compiler inferring the types" is expanding the delegate (e.g. d5_nocompile) out to

del_TestWithThreeInts d_clearer_3P =
delegate(int x, int y, int z) { Console.WriteLine(x + y + z); };

3 - It is POSSIBLE to make a mistake (which is still valid code)

del_TestWithThreeInts d_EasyToMakeMistake =
delegate { Console.WriteLine("Oops - forgot to do anything with params"); };
// (this is really :- delegate (int x, int y, int z) {...} )

4 - However, when re-written as a lambda expression, it is slightly more obvious when looking through the code later (or to another developer)

del_TestWithThreeInts d_LessEasyToMakeMistake =
((x, y, z) => Console.WriteLine("Still POSSIBLE to 开发者_如何学编程make mistake, but more obvious"));

No, This enforces the type checking. It will take default values if the params are not supplied for anonymous function when assigning to a delegate.

Refer C# language spec(§6.5), it states

An anonymous-method-expression or lambda-expression is classified as an anonymous function (§7.14). The expression does not have a type but can be implicitly converted to a compatible delegate type or expression tree type. Specifically, a delegate type D is compatible with an anonymous function F provided:

  • If F contains an anonymous-function-signature, then D and F have the same number of parameters.
  • If F does not contain an anonymous-function-signature, then D may have zero or more parameters of any type, as long as no parameter of D has the out parameter modifier.

If you compile Your source code & Open it in Reflector (in framework 1.1 setup), you ll see the compiler automatically assigns default parameters to the Anonymous methods that doesnt have the param list.

 del_TestWithNoParams d4_nocompile = (CS$<>9__CachedAnonymousMethodDelegate40 != null) ? CS$<>9__CachedAnonymousMethodDelegate40 : (CS$<>9__CachedAnonymousMethodDelegate40 = new del_TestWithNoParams(Program.<Main>b__27));
    del_TestWithThreeInts d5_nocompile = (CS$<>9__CachedAnonymousMethodDelegate41 != null) ? CS$<>9__CachedAnonymousMethodDelegate41 : (CS$<>9__CachedAnonymousMethodDelegate41 = new del_TestWithThreeInts(Program.<Main>b__28));
    del_TestWithIntPtr d6_nocompile = (CS$<>9__CachedAnonymousMethodDelegate42 != null) ? CS$<>9__CachedAnonymousMethodDelegate42 : (CS$<>9__CachedAnonymousMethodDelegate42 = new del_TestWithIntPtr(Program.<Main>b__29));

And b__28(method for the delegate del_TestWithThreeInts) will be something like this

private static void <Main>b__28(int, int, int)
    Console.WriteLine("AnonymousDel d5");

When anonymous methods are used, what is really happening is that a class is created with a property defined for each of the parameters of the delegate.

If you don't pass parameter values, default ones are used.

If you don't specify paramters for anonymous methods created with the delegate keyword, the parameters are inferred automatically by the compiler, so it doesn't matter what the delegate signature is





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