
tomcat 5.5 web.xml change WEB-INF/lib directory

I have a jruby rails app that has some jar dependencies in rails lib/java. I prefer this to just putting them straight in lib as it separates my java libs from ruby libs. Works locally using jruby. Problem is, on deploy, tomcat is looking for a bunch of these jars (such as jruby) in WEB-INF/lib, not WEB-INF/lib/java.

I think i need to put some config in the web.xml that tells tomcat to also look in lib/java, but i can't find ANY docs on the matter.

I don't want to modify tomcat's system wide classpath, I just want to tell开发者_开发技巧 its class loader to check a directory other than WEB-INF/lib for this particular app only

Can anyone enlighten me on how to do this?

you can't change this directory, j2ee spec says that all libs go in WEB-INF/lib. That is where they are supposed to go.

Just stay with your two directories in your project folder, but join them, when creating your .war file. This should be pretty easy with apache ant and other build tools.





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