
Easiest way for a simple 3d app [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.

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A friend of mine asked for a simple program.

Input: Coordinates of some points, spheres, planes etc. ( from an excel document (strictly) )

Output: A 3D view of the input which the user can move the camera.

The questions is, how can I do that easiest way. I have experience in C++, C#, Flash (AS), Java

Input: Coordinates of some points, spheres, planes etc. ( from an excel document (strictly) )

This is going to be your major problem, reading an excel document from Flash is not an easy task. You will either have to process it on a server side script with XML/JSON/AMF output to the client, or simply give up on the format.

Output: A 3D view of the input which the user can move the camera.

Displaying 3D objects in flash is easy using one of Papervision3D or Away3D.

There's a good book called XNA 3.0 Game Programming Recipes by Riemer Grootjans. You can find sample applications at his site: http://www.riemers.net/.





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