How to send a xml-rpc request in python?
I was just wondering, how would I be able to send a xml-rpc
request in python? I know you can use xmlrpclib
, but how do I send out a request in xml
to access a function?
I would like to see the xml
So basically I would like to send the following as my request to the server:
<?xml version="1.0"?&开发者_如何学编程gt;
<value><string>Hello World!</string></value>
and get back the response
Here's a simple XML-RPC client in Python:
import xmlrpclib
s = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy('http://localhost:8000')
print s.myfunction(2, 4)
Works with this server:
from SimpleXMLRPCServer import SimpleXMLRPCServer
from SimpleXMLRPCServer import SimpleXMLRPCRequestHandler
# Restrict to a particular path.
class RequestHandler(SimpleXMLRPCRequestHandler):
rpc_paths = ('/RPC2',)
# Create server
server = SimpleXMLRPCServer(("localhost", 8000),
def myfunction(x, y):
status = 1
result = [5, 6, [4, 5]]
return (status, result)
# Run the server's main loop
To access the guts of xmlrpclib
, i.e. looking at the raw XML requests and so on, look up the xmlrpclib.Transport
class in the documentation.
I have pared down the source code in xmlrpc.client to a minimum required to send a xml rpc request (as I was interested in trying to port the functionality). It returns the response XML.
from xmlrpc.server import SimpleXMLRPCServer
def is_even(n):
return n%2 == 0
server = SimpleXMLRPCServer(("localhost", 8000))
print("Listening on port 8000...")
server.register_function(is_even, "is_even")
import http.client
request_body = b"<?xml version='1.0'?>\n<methodCall>\n<methodName>is_even</methodName>\n<params>\n<param>\n<value><int>2</int></value>\n</param>\n</params>\n</methodCall>\n"
connection = http.client.HTTPConnection('localhost:8000')
connection.putrequest('POST', '/')
connection.putheader('Content-Type', 'text/xml')
connection.putheader('User-Agent', 'Python-xmlrpc/3.5')
connection.putheader("Content-Length", str(len(request_body)))
What do you mean by "get around"? xmlrpclib is the normal way to write an XML-RPC client in python. Just look at the sources (or copy them to your own module and add print
statements!-) if you want to know the details of how things are done.