
How to perform a case and diacritic insensitive filter of an array of NSDictionaries (not NSString)?

I have an array of dictionaries. I would like to filter that array by seeing if the @"name" field of each dictionary contains a given string.

The catch is that I would like to make my filtering insensitive to case and diacritics.

If the array contained only strings I could easily use an NSPredicate. However, it doesn't, and I don't see a way that NSPredicate can accomodate this situation.

If I only开发者_Go百科 cared about case-insensitivity, I could loop through all the items and compare the lowercased filter string to the lowercased name. But I don't know of a similar trick for diacritics.

Is there a good solution to this somewhere?

Check the top answer on this question:

Non US characters in section headers for a UITableView

You should be able to use that code to get rid of the diacritics and then do a case insensitive compare or search.

What about something like:

NSArray * array = .....
NSString * searchString = @"foo";
NSArray * filteredArray = [array filteredArrayUsingPredicate:[NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"name contains[cd] %@", searchString]];




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