
Access a facebook users photos and videos for the iPhone

I was hoping someone can answer this question for me. I am trying to display wall posts, photos and videos for a certain user for example http://www.facebook.com/sony. I can see the wall posts, photos and videos without signing up for Facebook. Do I need to use the facebook connect API to access the photos and and videos for sony so that I can display the开发者_如何学JAVAm in my iPhone application? I need to display the wall posts as a table view and the images and videos as a gallery very much like how the facebook app displays it. Any help or a API specific page would be appreciated.

Thanks, Firdosh

If you want to post to a facebook user's wall or status feed then you will need Facebook Connect API. Here's a video on how to add facebook connect to your iPhone App.

Here's the API documentation page you requested.

You will want to bear in mind, that Facebook video isn't able to be played on the iPhone as it's not encoded in any iPhone friendly format.





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