
Convert SQL-query with subselect in select section to HQL

I have trouble with converting native SQL query to HQL. Query is something like follows:

select count(*)
, sum(select count(*) from employee e where e.company_id=c.id)) 
from company c where c.id = someID

First returned value is count of companies, second - amount of employees for specified company.

I.e. I have to get this two values for company with id=someID.

The trouble is hibernate doesn't support subselects in SELECT section, only in WHERE - by specification.

Actually I can:

1) use native query to run this through EntityManager

2) do the same dividing this "complex" query to two simpler SQL queries

But may be there are 开发者_如何学Cexist more convenient methods to realize initial query in HQL? - this is a question.

Thank you.

this might work:

select count(c.*) as count_companies
     , c as count_emp
from company c 
inner join 
     select company_id, count(*) as c
     from employee 
     where employee.company_id = someID 
     group by company_id
) e
on e.company_id=c.id
group by c.id




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