
Gmpy documentation anywhere? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.

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I installed gmpy-1.11rc1.win32-py2.6.exe, but can't figure out how to use it, I can see some exported functions like mpz, mpq, mpf, etc., but how do I call a function like mpz_probab_prime_p() in GNU MP C library?

I looked at gmpy on Google Code, but still can't figure out. I couldn't find gmpy's documentation开发者_开发问答 anywhere either. Thanks.

You can find the docs here.

For now the txt file jbochi mentions is all there is -- and unfortunately it's not structured in the terms the OP requires, i.e., showing what underlying GMP functions are used in each gmpy-exposed function or method. If you're a GMP expert you can search the gmpy code here -- specifically in this file, which implements MPZ functionality, you'll see the call you seek at line 1538 (within the is_prime function/method).

I did recently acquire site gmpy.org with the idea of developing better online docs, but haven't gotten started yet (of course I could equally well use the wiki pages at gmpy's google code hosting site) -- as always in open source, volunteers are welcome!-)

GMPY2 documentation is now on ReadTheDocs. There are installation instructions and an API reference.

This may be useful as well:

>>> import(gmpy)
>>> help(gmpy)




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