
jQuery in Wordpress not working as expected in Chrome

I've been having this weird issue with jQuery which came with Wordpress 3.2.1. I'm developing a WordPress plugin. I'm using Chrome to do my debugging. I would normally turn on the developer tools to try out some jQuery function before putting them into the code. But for this particular combination, I have had problem with namely the ID selector and various HTML Object function.

jQuery('#id_of_html_element') //This will just return [] in the console

//If I put this in the plugin, it will run and show [object Object]

//The following shows "null" but in fact I have html inside

//And this works as expected in the console

I've tried disabling all extension on my Chrome, but the problem remains. On another page (e.g. Stackoverflow.com), jQuery works as expected in the console.

EDIT: Class selector does works properly in the console but html() still returns null

EDIT: Sorry, it wa开发者_如何学JAVAs my mistake. I had a "-" in the id, which causes the problem. After replacing it with underscore, it works already. I notice it when it works on other wordpress plugin, but not mine.

If really want to access to html code inside element ID, try my solution:

var v1 = $('<div>').append($("#id_of_html_element").find("*").clone()).remove().html();

I tested that on :

<div id="id_of_html_element">
        <a href="#">Text</a>
        <br/><a href="#">Another Text</a>

and the alert result was :

<a href="#">Text</a><br><a href="#">Another Text</a>

I tested that on FF, Chrome and that thing called IE, and everything seemed working well !

Don't ask me about white-spaces where they gone, its your problem now :P :P :P

Hopefully that helpful for you :)





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