
$_GET as parameters in PHP functions

I have the same question but...I'm redirecting the user depending on an if statement using headers to a dynamic page that is constructed through a function. For that function to work properly, it needs the parameters passed in the GET portion of the headers.

According to what to the answers provided, this is 开发者_JS百科a bad practice. What way should I be doing it?

function page($title,$msg){
    $title = $_GET['title'];
    $msg = $_GET['msg'];
    echo '<h1>'.$title.'</h1>';

    echo '<p>';
        case 1:
            echo 'dwasdwadawdwadwa';
        case 2:
            echo 'wasdadwadwdad';
            echo 'wadasdasd';
    echo '</p>';

ps: feel free to point out anything else you see wrong.

I found this but it doesn't really help me.

Although you aren't necessarily using the $_GET input for something that requires security considerations (in this case), it's a bad practice not to be sanitizing values from the URL.

Not only should you be checking for malicious input (especially if you are using the input to query a database), but you should be validating that expected integer values are indeed integers, and required strings are not empty.

Also, your page($title, $msg) function accepts $title and $msg and sets them, even though they are not passed by reference.

  1. If you expect to modify the input parameters, pass them by reference.

  2. If you need to use the input parameters, don't overwrite them immediately.

  3. If you don't need input parameters and only use values from $_GET locally to your function, declare page() without any arguments.

The answer to the question you linked suggests that functions should not rely on any external (e.g. global) variables. $_GET and $_POST (amongst others) are 'super globals', a language feature of PHP that makes them available in any scope. This means they may be unexpectedly modified from anywhere in your scripts.

One way to help avoid this is to avoid using super globals in methods and instead - as the answer to the other question suggests - is to instead require parameters for the variables you would otherwise get from the super globals.

E.g., instead of:

function add_user() {
  $user = $_GET['user'];
  // ...

You would use:

function add_user($user) {
  // ...

In your situation, what you would want is:

function page($title, $msg){
  echo '<h1>'.$title.'</h1>';
  echo '<p>';
    case 1:
      echo 'dwasdwadawdwadwa';
    case 2:
      echo 'wasdadwadwdad';
      echo 'wadasdasd';
  echo '</p>';

Then, when you call page you would call it as:

page($_GET['title'], $_GET['msg']);

Why do you need to use GET? you can access all the same properties if you use POST which is also more safe

Not sure if i understand your question, but here is some code i use handle my ajax calls with:

$mc = new MyClass();
echo $mc->{$_GET["operation"]}($_GET);

This means "operation" refers to your method name inside MyClass and i dont have to add a new switch statement for each method. Now i can just add a function "addRecord($args)" to MyClass, and my ajax call would look like this:


your php function receives the arguments in an array, so inside function addRecord() you have to access the variables like $args['name'] and $args['dob'], and it dosnt matter how many parameters you have to pass on to your method.

Make sure you use prepared statements here or proper escaping to prevent sql injections.





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