
ASP.NET Business Logic Layer

I have a business logic layer object for my customer开发者_运维问答s. It has a lot of different fields, around 100: Id, Name, and other fields.

I'm retrieving the customers un a data grid (RadGrid). Obviously in the grid I'm just retrieving a few fields.

The question is: if the business logic layer object has too many fields, even if I don't show all of them in the data grid, is it going to slow down the page? do you think it'd be a good idea to create another object for my customers for the lists?


It wil take extra time to populate the server side list, but the key consideration is teh amount of data passed to the clinet, especially as a copy of the data will probably go into viewstate as well and when submitting the form this data will come back (through viewstate)

Rather than create a new object you could just use LINQ on you business objects to reduce the amount of data to pass forwards.





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