
Facebook Photo ID

Does the Facebook API return the UNIQUE ID of photos I upload to FB through my app? There are data I wo开发者_JAVA百科uld like to keep track of of the photos which Facebook doesn't but I want to present in my app.


Each photo was specified with a unique "identity", This identity is specified by the user's id and photo's id A typical url of a photo looks like this:


That's a preview mode, in order to access a user's photos you must have also the privileges to access it Also I know that each photo on fb has a permalink too Looking like :http://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/s720x720/xxxx_10150317692149803_5524802_7778361_2055733189_n.jpg This is also accessible though fb's sdk but also is under user's privileges

I believe it does, but you will most likely need the correct photo privilege to retrieve it. Also if your app is posting the photo. It should return the id of the newly created picture


Yes you can do it. When your application uploads any photo of facebook, facebook creates a album with your application name. Now you can grab all photos which have aid of your application. For more you can check from here

Yes, the id is unique. An id also tells us the type of object based on where it is within our global block of ids (FBIDs).





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