
Python 2.6 font/colour change + error window

I just have two hopefully quick questions. I'm using Python 2.6

  1. How should I 开发者_Go百科go about changing the font and colour of a string with the tkfont class? I seem to find tonnes of documentation about the different functions the tkfont class has, e.g. I think I should be using the tkfont.config(), and what to specify as the options, but nothing on how to apply it. e.g. if I wanted to make the string, 'Hello world' be the colour = blue, family = Courier and size = 15, how would I do that with tkfont?

  2. Is there a generic python error window that can be called with a windows error sound, etc. Despite me asking for tkfont in the previous question, I'm fairly sure that I shouldn't do this part with tkinter and get the feeling that there's some default python error window that can be called.

Sorry for these pretty nooby questions, I'm really stuck here.

Tkinter comes with many stantard dialogs. A good point of reference for these is the Standard Dialogs page on effbot.

I'll answer your question about colors when you clarify it a little.





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