get formated output from mysql via python
Hi I want the following output from my query:
OK|Abortedclients=119063 Aborted_connects=67591 Binlog_cache_disk_use=0
But I dont know how to generate it. this is my script:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import MySQLdb
conn = MySQLdb.connect (host = "...", user="...", passwd="...")
cursor = conn.cursor ()
cursor.execute ("SHOW GLOBAL STATUS")
rs = cursor.fetchall ()
#print rs
print "OK|"
for row in rs:
print "%s=%s" % (row[0], row[1])
this is what I get now:
You can print the rows together in one string:
output = []
for row in rs:
output.append('%s=%s' % (row[0], row[1])
print ''.join(output)
Build the string using join:
print('OK|'+' '.join(['{0}={1}'.format(*row) for row in rs]))
' '.join(iterable)
creates a string out of the strings in iterable, joined together with a space ' '
in between the strings.
To fix the code you posted with minimal changes, you could add a comma at the end of the print statements:
print "OK|",
for row in rs:
print "%s=%s" % (row[0], row[1]),
This suppresses the automatic addition of a newline after each print statement. It does, however, add a space (which is not what you said you wanted):
OK| Aborted_clients=0 ...
Join each pair with '=' and then each result with ' ', appended to 'OK|':
'OK|' + (' '.join(['='.join(r) for r in rs]))