
How to upload files to Google Docs through Google Data API?

I developing an application which works with Google API, according to my understanding.

def push_to_ga(request):
    client = gdata.docs.service.DocsServi开发者_StackOverflowce()
    client.ClientLogin('account@gmail.com', 'password')

    entrys = Entry.objects.all()
    for entry in entrys:
        splitted = entry.file.split('/')
        client.UploadDocument(entry.file, splitted[-1])

    return HttpResponseRedirect('https://docs.google.com/#home')

Have an error:

Traceback: File "/home/i159/Env/googleapi/lib/python2.6/site-packages/django/core/handlers/base.py" in get_response 111. response = callback(request, *callback_args, **callback_kwargs) File "/home/i159/workspace/apiroot/googleapi/../googleapi/apiapp/views.py" in push_to_ga 38. client.UploadDocument(entry.file, 'My entry #' + str(entry.id)) File "/home/i159/Env/googleapi/lib/python2.6/site-packages/atom/init.py" in deprecated_function 1475. return f(*args, **kwargs) File "/home/i159/Env/googleapi/lib/python2.6/site-packages/gdata/docs/service.py" in UploadDocument 494. folder_or_uri=folder_or_uri) File "/home/i159/Env/googleapi/lib/python2.6/site-packages/gdata/docs/service.py" in _UploadFile 160. extra_headers={'Slug': media_source.file_name},

Exception Type: AttributeError at /push_to_ga/ Exception Value: 'unicode' object has no attribute 'file_name'

I can't find docs with description of the methods. How to upload file into Google Docs through API?

Which version of the Google API are you using?

According to the Google documentation, for versions 1.0 and 2.0 you have to wrap the document as a MediaSource object in order to pass it to the Upload method. So, I think you need to replace:

client.UploadDocument(entry.file, splitted[-1])


ms = gdata.MediaSource(file_path=entry.file, content_type=gdata.docs.service.SUPPORTED_FILETYPES['DOC'])
client.Upload(ms, splitted[-1])

Note: this assumes that you are uploading Word files. You should set the content_type parameter to the correct type for each file that you upload.

If you're using version 3.0, you no longer need to create a MediaSource object - you can simply pass the pathname, title and mime type directly to the Upload method:

client.Upload(entry.file, splitted[-1], content_type='application/msword')

Uploading PDFs

If you attempt to upload PDF files using version 2.0 of the API, it fails with the error:

{'status': 415, 'body': 'Content-Type application/pdf is not a valid input type.', 'reason': 'Unsupported Media Type'}

This can be fixed using the workaround shown in comment 77 on issue 591 on the Google Code site. Simple edit the _UploadFile method in your site-packages/gdata/docs/services.py file as shown on that ticket. Once you have made this change, PDF uploads should work fine (I have checked this & it works for me).





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