Preprocessor macro value to Objective-C string literal
I have a preprocessor macro defined in build settings
That value I want to massage into an Objective-C string l开发者_JS百科iteral that can be passed to a method. The following #define does not work, but it should demonstrate what I am trying to achieve:
#define FOOLITERAL @"FOO" //want FOOLITERAL to have the value of @"BAR"
I expect that I am just missing the obvious somehow, but I cannot seem to find the right preprocessor voodoo to get what I need.
Use the stringizing operator #
to make a C string out of the symbol. However, due to a quirk of the preprocessor, you need to use two extra layers of macros:
#define FOO BAR
#define STRINGIZE(x) #x
// FOOLITERAL now expands to @"BAR"
The reason for the extra layers is that the stringizing operator can only be used on the arguments of the macro, not on other tokens. Secondly, if an argument of a macro has the stringizing operator applied to it in the body of the macro, then that argument is not expanded as another macro. So, to ensure that FOO
gets expanded, we wrap in another macro, so that when STRINGIZE2
gets expanded, it also expands FOO
because the stringizing operator does not appear in that macro's body.
Here's a modified version of Adam Rosenfield's answer with clearer semantics:
#define NSStringize_helper(x) #x
#define NSStringize(x) @NSStringize_helper(x)
I use it to replace code like this:
case OneEnumValue: name = @"OneEnumValue"; break;
case AnotherEnumValue: name = @"AnotherEnumValue"; break;
with this:
#define case_for_type(type) case type: name = NSStringize(type); break
A convenient macro OS_STRINGIFY(s)
is predefined in SDK's /usr/include/os/base.h
, which is included in Foundation.framework.
So you can use the following code without additional definitions.
You need to define preprocessor macro like,
And use code side like,
[NSString stringWithFormat:@"macro: %@", FOO];
What error are you seeing exactly? This type of thing does work as you expect:
#define kMyString @"MyString"
[NSString stringWithFormat:@"macro: %@", kMyString];