
bar scanner for MonoTouch?

I've been looking into making an iOS app w开发者_如何转开发hich uses the camera to take a photograph of a barcode (such as code 39) and reading them in properly.

Was just looking at a few libraries, not sure if any work as I'd like but they're all using objective-c for iOS.

Thought maybe I should ask if there is a solution in MonoTouch since that is how I want to make the app for iOS?

There is a similar thread running on MonoTouch mailing-list.

RedLaser latest (newer than mono's git repository) bindings are available at: https://github.com/chrisbranson/monotouch-bindings with sample code available at: https://github.com/chrisbranson/RedLaserSample

Another suggestion was using: https://github.com/GoranHalvarsson/BarcodeReader-MonoTouch

Other people have using the (commercial) LineaPro SDK (some MonoTouch bindings are available on github too).

Here is another one by Redth:


His example usage:

var scanner = new ZXing.Mobile.MobileBarcodeScanner();
scanner.Scan().ContinueWith((result) => {   
   if (result != null)
     Console.WriteLine("Scanned Barcode: " + result.Text);

You can use Monotouch to bind the native objective-c libary to your monotouch project.

You can find detail information about this topic here:

http://ios.xamarin.com/Documentation/Binding_New_Objective-C_Types (NOT AVAILABLE ANYMORE)

You can find a ready to use binding for RedLaser on Github: https://github.com/mono/monotouch-bindings

Mine also works:

http://www.jmawebtechstore.com/p/21/ios-monotouch-barcode-scanner-reader (WEB CONTENT NOT AVAILABLE ANYMORE)

I have a whole barcode scanning app available with source code. My app saves barcodes to the database and photos to the photo album.





验证码 换一张
取 消

