
Upgrading Plone 4017 to 4018

I really need some help with Plone. I am experiencing some issue upgrading from 4017 to 4018. All the Plone websites say "The site configuration is outdated and needs to be upgraded."

When I press Upgrade I get the following error:

"Starting the migration from version: 4017

End of upgrade path, migration has finished

The upgrade path did NOT reach current vers开发者_如何学运维ion

Migration has failed"

I was really hoping someone could help me sort out this issue and also help me get to the latest stable build of Plone 4.1.


This happens when there is a discrepancy between the current Plone setup profile version number and the upgrade steps final version number. Because there is no step from 4017 to 4018 you get this error message.

This is not necessarily a problem. Your upgrade to version 4017 worked without a hitch. What exact Plone version are you upgrading to, 4.0.9? It may be worth reporting this as a (low priority) bug, but I doubt there is anything there to prevent you from using your site.

To illustrate, I see this all the time when using the latest development version of the Products.CMFPlone package, because that'll be one version 'tick' further than the latest release of the plone.app.upgrade package can upgrade me to.





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