
how to run a python file on a linux server as a page

I want to begin with the fact that I know nothing about linux, and I found a script that I would like to run on my server as a page, but when I goto the .py file it d开发者_开发百科ownloads the file!!! how am I suppose to run it?? am I suppose to use a php file and do a command to run the file?

Thanks in advance

This may be quite easy (and there's certainly no need to employ PHP here)!

Given a trivial Python script:

> cat cgi-bin/test.py
#!/usr/bin/env python

print '''Content-Type: text/html

        <title>Hello from Python</title>
        <h2>Hello from Python</h2>

You can run a simple CGI HTTP Server from the command-line using Python:

> python -m CGIHTTPServer
Serving HTTP on port 8000 ...

Then in another terminal window:

> w3m -dump http://localhost:8000/cgi-bin/test.py
Hello from Python

This is useful for testing CGI scripts on your local machine. If you want to configure a production HTTP server for serving Python content, then you're best off asking at https://webmasters.stackexchange.com/ .

This is not an easy task, especially if you are not good with Linux, but take a look at this:


There are two paths:

  • The mod_wsgi plug-in will run a Python script. You need to configure Apache, and install mod_wsgi.

  • The CGI plug-in will run your Python, also. You need to configure Apache.

Note the common theme. You need to configure Apache. This isn't a Python question. It's an Apache question.





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