
How to know the coverage for the django application ?

I am having a simple django project that contains some applications.Everything works well.Now how do i check code coverage for my project.I have installed coverge-3.5 tool and 开发者_Go百科just tried to know coverage by typing "coverage report" from terminal..It shows some result like

NAME -----> (some file in my project)

STMS -----> (some number)

MISS -----> (some number)

COVER -----> (some %)

In my case,it will display some result that shows only some of the file names from my project.It didnt shows coverage for all files from my project.How do i make it to show all my file name ????

please suggest any better working coverage tool if you know !

I just got it working like this:

coverage run --source=app1,app2 ./manage.py test --settings=path.to.test_settings app1,app2

I don't think that this is the intended way to do it since we don't use the ./manage.py test_coverage command at all, but I couldn't find any other way.

first make sure you are using the latest coverage version. than you can do: assuming your django project lives under project_parent/project, from project_parent run:

coverage html --include=project/*.*

this will give you a coverage report of your project only (i.e. doesn't output 3rd party lib coverage)

I manage to solve this issue with django_coverage and django_nose

I added to INSTALLED_APPS 'django_coverage' and 'django_nose'

with this on settings.py

TEST_RUNNER = 'django_nose.NoseTestSuiteRunner'

# Tell nose to measure coverage on the 'foo' and 'bar' apps

to install it

pip install django_coverage

How do I use it?

Install as a Django app Place the entire:

django_coverage app in your third-party apps directory.

Update your settings.INSTALLED_APPS to include django_coverage.

Include test coverage specific settings in your own settings file.

See settings.py for more detail. Once you've completed all the steps, you'll have a new custom command available to you via manage.py test_coverage.

It works just like manage.py test.

Use it as a test runner

You don't have to install django_coverage as an app if you don't want to. You can simply use the test runner if you like. Update settings.TEST_RUNNER = 'django_coverage.coverage_runner.CoverageRunner' Include test coverage specific settings in your own settings file. See settings.py for more detail. Run manage.py test like you normally do.





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